Photo of the week: Fiery OTTB converts another

Inside Draw has gone from pinned ears and fiery attitude to perfect riding horse.

Inside Draw has gone from pinned ears and fiery attitude to perfect riding horse.

With ears pinned as if ready to fight, Inside Draw arrived at Allyson May’s tranquil barn in Maine last winter like some awful news or a despised guest.

Sending everyone scampering to get out of his way, the beautiful dark bay scared everyone who approached him, recalls May, whose heart sank the instant she met the 17-hand gelding.

“We didn’t like each other at first sight,” May says. “He was rather aggressive, defensive of his stall and untrusting. If I went into his stall, he’d pin his ears and pick his feet up at me. He didn’t actually try to kick me” but the message was pretty clear.

Inside Draw
Sire: Forestry
Dam: Elusive Song, by Elusive Quality
Foal date: Jan. 16, 2010
And May fretted that her spontaneous decision to purchase the animal sight unseen and have him shipped all the way from Kentucky had been a very bad idea. A somewhat nervous rider, May swallowed her fears, put her foot in the stirrup and discovered that beneath the fire and brimstone lurked the easiest, most quiet horse she’d ever had the good fortune to ride.

“He was very honest from the start, and I found that by just going and spending time with him, he started to soften up,” she says. “I taught him that being brushed was OK and that people weren’t going to hurt him. He still has trust issues … but all he needed was some consistency.”

Working steadily throughout the summer, May and Inside Draw developed such a strong rapport that in August at the Downeast Maine Medal Finals, to her surprise and delight, the pair earned a third-place ribbon.

“It was incredible that we even qualified for the finals because he wasn’t even cantering a full course the month before,” May says, noting that her early success with her OTTB has rocked her world.

“I’d always assumed they were all hot and racy. But he’s just not. And I’ve always heard that they have more heart than any other horse, and I can tell you it’s true. He’s gives 110 percent,” she says. “My mother came to watch us ride recently and she was amazed at my confidence on him. He’s totally changed my opinion of Thoroughbreds.”

2 responses to “Photo of the week: Fiery OTTB converts another”

  1. Allyson

    I saw an add for him on a Fb group and there was just something about him. I watched some videos of kids riding him 1.5 months off the track, and a few weeks after being gelded. I just had a feeling that there was something special about him. I’m so glad I took the chance on him.

  2. Lori Ann

    I did just what you did; had my OTTB delivered, sight unseen (except a few pictures over the internet on my iPhone)…and Tap arrived pretty much with the same kind of ‘attitude’; we’re still in the process of developing our relationship, as far as riding (still in training), but I love my big-hearted thoroughbred! ????

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