Clubhouse Q&A: Toy horse famous on HuffPro
With clipboard in hand, Jennifer Montfort can often be spotted at the Suffolk Downs backside, working for CANTER New England. Throughout the year, she combs the stalling area, assisting trainers who want their racehorses listed for sale on CANTER’s website, and, in October, you’ll find her managing the increasingly popular Suffolk Showcase, an event that often helps put 50 or more ex-racehorses into the sales pipeline. Montfort takes it all quite seriously. So, when her sense of humor put her in the spotlight of the Huffington Post, in a popular horseracing column by Liz O’Connell, OffTrackThoroughbreds.com wanted to know what […]

After 300 horses, a gray mare stuck
Dry-eyed and happy, Bernadette Kilcer waved goodbye. From the driveway of the Maryland-based Thoroughbred re-homing organization, the idealistic volunteer watched the pretty ex-racehorses leave, on their way to better lives, she hoped, as trailers took them to their new homes. Never, for a second, did the weekend rider and dedicated volunteer wish to keep even one. They were beautiful athletes, with bright futures in second careers—just not with her. “I thought of horses as being a lot like children. You can pat them on the head and then send them home,” she says, chuckling. “This was how it was for […]

Maggi Moss stays true to horses, fights for them
The New Year was coming fast as Indian Chant barreled across the Santa Anita finish line on Dec. 31, 2006. His powerful victory brought his owner, Maggi Moss, unparalleled success. In a flash, she became the most winning racehorse owner in the United States that year, cinching a coveted spot no woman had ever held before. Not known to be faint of heart, Moss started to cry. “I was just so tired,” she recalls in a phone interview with OffTrackThoroughbreds.com. “In 2006, I worked a ton of hours, and when it was finally over, the biggest revelation I had was […]