Fleet of Angels drives like hell from danger

Aboard van, headed to safety

Aboard van, headed to safety

Fleet Of Angels (www.fleetofangels.org) was launched with the singular purpose to connect a warm-hearted volunteer convoy of horse-haulers to prospective horse adopters, who simply lack the resources to transport these needy animals, and rescue them from danger.

Begun by longtime equestrian and horse lover Elaine Nash approximately six months ago, the mission of Fleet of Angels is straight forward: Bring at-risk horses from danger to safety, she says.

Having watched too many rescue horses flounder on Facebook, with their photographs posted and cross-posted to people who may not be able to really help, Nash decided to launch the organization that could literally step in, hook a lead rope onto a needy horse’s frayed halter, and lead that animal up a ramp and safely into a horse trailer.

With a bag of hay and a bucket of water waiting just inside a Fleet of Angels van or truck, the frightened animal starts his journey to safety under the care of a volunteer army, some from national shipping companies, and others who just happen to own a trailer and possess the heart to volunteer their time.

“The idea came about as I watched people on Facebook who would put out these big emotional campaigns about rescue horses, and sometimes people with big hearts ran the risk of being exploited” into giving money, Nash says.

As an alternative to re-posting Facebook pleas, Nash says those wishing to help at-risk horses can volunteer to do a range of things for Fleet of Angels, and none of it involves donating cash!

Of the approximately 2,500 volunteers, a number that is climbing steadily, about half work hauling horses, while the others volunteer in a range of activities, including facilitating connections between haulers and prospective rescuers of at-risk horses, she says.

Two haulers brought him from Washington to Idaho

Two haulers brought him from Washington to Idaho

In addition, others volunteer to offer overnight accommodations for haulers and horses who are on their way to their destinations.

“We have a whole range of ways that people can help horses!” she says.

For those wishing to avail themselves of the Fleet of Angels hauling service, the fee structure is as follows: Haulers agree to haul a rescue horse for free, or for cost-of-fuel, or at a significant discount below retail rates, Nash explains.

Those interested in obtaining hauling services, or volunteering, are invited to first register at the Fleet of Angels website to get the process started.

If time is of the essence, Nash welcomes emails at: holdyourhorses@aol.com. And, those looking to volunteer may also peruse the Fleet of Angels Facebook page.

As word spreads, Nash hopes the volunteerism spirit will catch like wildfire.

“It’s terrific how people are pitching in to help,” she says. “Our biggest challenge is letting more people know about us. We could really use some Transport Angels in Canada, the Midwest and West.”

She adds, “Our goal is to grow to the point of having 10,000 transport angels.”

Elaine Nash

Elaine Nash

Nash, a NYC-based marketing executive, and lifelong equestrian, developed Fleet of Angels after reading the emotional, often desperate pleas on Facebook, to save an at-risk horse. Nash notes that she does not think of an at-risk horse as being “unwanted,” as they are often called. “I have an adopted daughter and she was very much wanted,” she says, pointing out her reason for the word choice.

While scrolling through Facebook posts that plead for help for horses in trouble, Nash could not help think there must be a better way of moving them from danger to safety.

Nash, an equestrian from a young age, came to horse rescue after parting with her cherished 18-hand black Percheron stallion.

Shortly before moving to New York City, she sold the massive horse she named Colorado to what she thought would be a permanent home. Months later, she was told by the buyer that Colorado had been re-sold t o a young girl who lived nearby.

The story didn’t square with her. “That’s the type of story kill buyers use a lot,” Nash says. “They tell someone they’re buying a horse for their child, or to become a family horse for someone down the road, and I thought that it didn’t seem right that a child would be interested in such a large horse.”

For months, she agonized over the loss of her black stallion.

Until, one day, she received an email from the young girl who had legitimately purchased her horse. The girl attached photographs, and the two became friends on Facebook.

Angels volunteer locations; more needed

Angels volunteer locations; more needed

Thrilled to see him, now gelded, in a perfect home, Nash is committed to helping others achieve the same happy outcome for their horses.

Most of the time, the distance between danger and safety is only 15 miles, she says. There are many haulers in the Fleet of Angels who are happy to oblige.

“A point I’d like to make is that there are thousands and thousands of people in the horse community who care a lot about what happens to at-risk horses in this country,” Nash says. “People need to remember that there’s a world out there, with real horses, that are really going on the trucks that are going to slaughter. It takes work beyond Facebook to solve that program.”

“Just talking about at-risk horses on Facebook isn’t good enough,” she says. “If only people would walk away from their computers and look in their own backyards, neighborhoods and communities, and get actively involved with the horses near them—this would help a lot.”

88 responses to “Fleet of Angels drives like hell from danger”

  1. Diane

    Elaine- I just saw your post about bumper stickers. I make high-quality vinyl decals, and would be happy to donate “Will Haul For Fuel” decals to Fleet of Angels!

    Please contact me at CoventryDecor.Etsy.com, and we can make plans. 🙂

    1. Elaine Nash

      Thank you SO much!! That would be absolutely wonderful! These ‘transport angels’ are all eager to have something for their vehicles to help people know who FOA is, that they are members, and what we do. I’ll get in touch via Etsy!

      Much appreciated!

      Best Regards,
      Elaine Nash
      Fleet of Angels

  2. Jon

    I joined and within 48 hours I receive my first request for help. A horse and pony were taken to a safe forever home. I have since completed a second trip. This type of grassroots effort shows how effective a small group of dedicated people can be in getting things done. In both of my flights, a facilitator was involved to get all of the parties together to accomplish the goal. The cause is one worthy of a few minutes of your time. I do transportation, others may provide layover facilities for drivers and horses and others may put all of the pieces together to help make a move happen. Just think about it, you and your horses may never need this kind of help, but if you do,a support network like this can be there for you.

  3. Cathryn Parke

    Loved what Elaine is doing and my heart was touched by it. I am signing up for Fleet of Angels also. Love helping the cause. I have a 2-horse straight load and can haul whenever the need arises.

  4. L. Melone

    What a wonderful organization. I don’t own the property I keep my horses at, nor do I have a trailer, but I’d be willing to ask if we could put others up in need, if it’s ok with the owner. Thanks for forming this Elaine, and thanks for spreading the word, Susan!

    1. Elaine Nash

      That would be great! Thank you. Please tell the property owner that they may never be asked to help, but if they are, it would be an opportunity to help save a life. We’d love for them to join us as an emergency overnight location. They can register at http://www.FleetOfAngels.org. Thanks!

  5. Helene Debbi Mowka

    I don’t have a trailer. I ride my horse on my own property. I live in Upstate New York about an hour and a half from the Canadian Border into Quebec and Montreal. I have never seen a truck load of horses pass through or by since I’ve been here for the last 18 yrs.
    If someone is needed as a liaison between people I know I could help. My horses only eat in their stalls. If every there is an emergency and I am the closest contact I could see putting a horse and person up for the night. All I request is a current Coggins. We are very secluded and I don’t show so my two horses don’t often come into contact ith other horses; but it is a great place to hide out!!! You can contact me through e-mail; and once I’m sure it’s okay I will give the person in need my telephone number. Any other ways I can help, please let me know. I feel so impotent at times.

    1. Elaine Nash

      Thank you, Helene! Please register at http://www.FleetOfAngels.org, where you can note on the form what you have to offer. Very much appreciated.

  6. Dennis Davey

    Ilive in Canada, in the Windsor, Essex, Chatham Kent area. Unfortunately i do not posses a trailer, however i do have a truck equipped for towing and would gladly be available to help, for free.

    1. Elaine Nash

      Thank you, Dennis! Please register in our data base at http://www.FleetOfAngels.org, where you can note that you have a truck to offer, but not trailer. That offer just might prove to be a lifesaver for a horse in your area some day.

  7. Elizabeth J Dana
  8. Elizabeth J Dana

    THis the website for all the rescues by state. It may be incomplete. Mary Nash’s site is up to date and so is R.T.Fitch.

    Here is a partial by state and you have to scroll down. I just kept clicking not realizing I was already there.


    1. Elaine Nash

      Great to have! Thank you, Elizabeth!

  9. Mar Wargo

    Brava, Elaine. I knew you would find a way to help that truly works. Hats off, mar

    1. Elaine Nash

      Thank you, Mar.

  10. Brenda

    Signing up right now to do what I can. I’m in So. CA. Hope I can be of some help.

    1. Lynne Jones


      I’m also in Southern California. Whereabouts in Southern California are you? It’s nice to know that there is someone else that is willing to help in anyway we can. We have some issues to resolve and hope to help as well as soon as we can. Hope to hear from you soon. I have two horses awaiting in Oregon for a trip to the sanctuary where I already have three horses, one I’m treating for laminitis. She is such a sweet horse too.

      1. Brenda

        I’m in Orange. Where are you? Which Sanctuary?

        1. Lynne Jones


          I live in South Orange County and I have my three rescued horses at a santuary in Perris. She almost lost her sanctuary to a stage four tongue and throat cancer and it took a heavy hit while it was in foreclosure. We are working to get a new website going and new volunteers and get the sanctuary cleaned up. Since she got the sanctuary back her house burned down and she presently is living in a delapitated trailer that I hope to get several contractors to rebuild the house and use the remaining foundation that exists. Please get in touch with me if you would like. I’ll look forward to hearing from you.

  11. Patricia

    My daughter’s horse rescue, Silverwings, has used the kindness of those that are able to transport an abused or neglected horse to her for rehabilitation. These individuals, who see a need, like you Elaine are definintely Angels. Silverwings recently rescued seven thorobreds from a pending neglect case. Thank you to all of you that care..

  12. Wendy Clark

    This service is a God send for horses. Thank you for starting it because this hurdle for people wanting to save horses is the biggest problem at risk horses have 🙂 I just registered and I hope hundreds of.thousands of people do the same.

  13. Elizabeth J Dana

    PA Rescues


    PA – Angel Acres Horse Haven Rescue
    PA – Another Chance 4 Horses, Inc.
    PA – Back in the Saddle Horse Adoption, Inc
    PA – Bright Futures Farm Horse Rescue – Spartansburg, PA
    PA – Charming Acres Stables & Rescue – Gap, PA
    PA – Cozee Valee Rescue & Sanctuary – Huntingdon, PA
    PA – For The Love of Horses, Inc. – Fairview, PA
    PA – Forgotten Treasures Equine Rescues – Littlestown, PA – Phone: (717)253-3097
    PA – Hog Heaven Rescue – Cochranton , PA
    PA – Indraloka Animal Sanctuary – Mehoopany, PA
    PA – J & J Horse Rescue – Tioga, PA
    PA – Large Animal Protection Society – West Grove, PA
    PA – Last Chance Ranch – Quakertown, PA
    PA – Lost & Found Horse Rescue – Jacobus, PA
    PA – MidAtlantic Horse Rescue
    PA – Mt. Hope Horse Rescue – Manheim, PA – Phone: (717) 575-5635
    PA – PA Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Assn. – Turning For Home
    PA – Ponytales Rescue – Honesdale, PA
    PA – Safe Haven Arabian Rescue-Dillsburg, PA
    PA – Sundancer Farm & Rescue – Osceola, PA

    1. Elaine Nash

      Great list! Thanks! We’re currently developing a data base for a new registry for all rescues and foster homes for equines in the US and Canada. Your PA list will be added to that when it’s ready.

  14. Whitney Mulqueen

    I have my own OTTB that I adopted 3 years ago from FLTAP named “What Is” aka his barn name is “Wesley”. I do not have a rescue or the resources but….I have been trying to help this mare for 3 days find a soft place to land before she ends up picked up by a kill buyer in NE PA.

    Her name is “Stone Racer” http://www.pedigreequery.com/stone+racer – I was able to ID her with the help of Deborah Jones who is very involved with rescue and saving OTTB’s. “Stone Racer” aka CeCe is listed on Craigslist in my area for “Free” and she is 19 and at risk.

    Here is the link:


    The girl who has her on here I have been told is very irresponsible. If you think you can help please contact Kim Keogh at (570)-289-4937 – Kim has been in direct contact with woman trying to place this mare….Please see link – she looks so pretty and sweet…..I am heart broken and wish I could take another…but, I saved one and he is treated like gold.

    Thank You and God Bless Anyone who can help……

    Whitney Mulqueen

    1. Elaine Nash

      Whitney, thank you for reaching out to Fleet of Angels about this horse. Unfortunately, FOA’s policy is to step in only when a horse has already been rescued and is ready to travel. I can, however, copy your message and post it on our sister site ‘Homeseekers and Heroes’, which is dedicated exclusively to helping place at-risk equines. Please feel free to join that page on Facebook and respond to questions that anyonee might have about her. http://www.facebook.com/groups/181869805194635

  15. Lynne Jones

    Elaine Nash: God Bless you! I wish I could retire and do something like this on a full time basis. I have saved two Arabians,one with laminitis and we struggle to keep her going each day. I have two Arabians that need to be shipped to me, hopefully, by June of 2013. If someone could help me ship from Oregon to Southern California it would be appreciated, if possible for fuel costs. I have the horses at a Sanctuary in Southern California who struggles day to day who could use donations and volunteers. She almost lost the sanctuary to foreclosure after coming down with late stage tongue and throat cancer, but after getting experimental extreme chemo she is still with us. She was taken into the middle of all her 50 horses and donkeys to say goodbye. Her house has burned down and she is living in a delapitated trailer with no heat and a septic that needs cleaning out. Anyone that can help us with this would be appreciated. If anyone has a mobile home in good shape that can donate to her non-profit, she would give a certificate against taxes. If we could get two trailers, we would think about getting more corrals set up, and with the additional trailer, the hauler could stay with us. We would work with the horse adoptee for feed as the santuary owner puts all her retirement monies to keep the sanctuary going. I live 65 miles away from her sanctuary and go out every weekend to help muck stalls, water, etc. If anyone can help our situation we, in turn, can help Fleet of Angeles in many ways. I live in a mobile home and if monies permit and a mobile home hauler could help with moving it, I’d consider moving on-site to help every day with the everyday operations of the sanctuary. Again, thank you to all volunteers in this endeavor and Elaine Nash you are an angel to these beautiful equines. All they want is someone to love and take care of them. I wish I had the funds to save them all until we could find new homes. I would do it as my retirement job if I had the chance. I’m seventy and still working but would love to do this every day. I will volunteer to help in anyway I can. God Bless All for doing this.

    1. Elaine Nash

      Hello, Lynn. Thank you for sharing this information with me. You’re welcome to join the Fleet of Angels page on Facebook, and post a request for shipping assistance for the two horses that you’re going to be transporting. The top post on that page will tell you how to use FOA.

      I’m afraid we’re not set up to assist you with some of the other needs you mentioned. Fleet of Angels has no budget for making purchases of trailers or other items that people need. You might find that one our your area’s rescues would be interested in partnering with you, and assisting you in setting up the facility you’re envisioning.

      Thank you for your kind words about FOA and the amazing people who are stepping up to do what they can to help solve the at-risk equine crisis in America.

      Best wishes in your endeavors,

  16. Wendy

    Just signed up to offer bed and bale/bed and breakfast for Angel drivers and rescue horses. So glad someone thought of this as we could provide shelter but don’t have a trailer to transport. Glad to help in any way.

    1. Elaine Nash

      Thank you, Wendy! Welcome!

  17. Miss Abby

    Looking at the map shows the real need for haulers near the border where equine cross to Mexico. Often horses, mules and donkeys who are rejected face even more hell when there is no where for them to go. They are released to the desert or left on the feed lots to die.

    1. Elaine Nash

      You are so right! Fleet of Angels needs many, many more angels along the borders, where so many equines are dumped when they’re not allowed to cross the borders, or are turned away by the slaughter plants for being too thin, ill, or otherwise unprofitable as a slaughter product.

  18. Diana Rojek

    Good job folks!

    1. Elaine Nash

      Thank you, Diana!

  19. Kathryn Baker

    this is wonderful! thank you Elaine for starting this very much needed group. I am planning on volunteering to help in any way I can.

    1. Elaine Nash

      Thank you, Kathryn! Please register with us at http://www.FleetOfAngels.org, and let us know how you can help, and then join us on our Facebook page, where we network and facilitate trips.

  20. Facebook User Steps into Reality to make a Difference for Horses in Need « Straight from the Horse's Heart

    […] Story by Susan Salk as published in Off-Track Thoroughbreds […]

  21. Kate Bathurst

    Elaine, Thank you for all you do to help Equines and any other animal in need. You are the Angel in Fleet of Angels! GB

    1. Elaine Nash

      Thank you so much, Kate! You are such a super warrior in the battle to help at-risk equines! Without the support of amazing people like you, very little would ever get done.

  22. kathryn

    That sweet little face in the frayed halter, sticking out of the trailer hatch is my sweet 25 y/o Polish Arab stud Afir LV! Fleet of Angels helped me SAVE HIS LIFE. We can never say thank you loud enough.

    1. Gail Wiot

      So glad to read your story about your horse. I bet he is just beautiful. Please contact the Arabian Horse Association and let them know about your story. As a Delegate to the AHA convention and member, I continue to push AHA on the rescue of all horses including the our Arabian horses. It sometimes appears to be an uphill battle on the slaughter issue, but I will not give up. If enough stories are reported perhaps the leadership of AHA will finally get the message that there are many many members who do not want to see this association support slaughter. My current gelding Padron Allante (aka Nicholas) was one day from the Killer Buyer. He is a Padron son and had the potential of becoming a top ten horse. He is in his 20’s and just loves all the ladies. So
      please take the time if you can to share your story with AHA.


    2. Elaine Nash

      Thank you for your post, Kathryn! FOA was happy to help! We love to be able to write “Mission Accomplished!” at the end of missions like yours!

    3. Helen Smith

      Kathryn, everytime I see his picture up there, I think of how I spent my 54th birthday. Had we not signed up with FOA it may never have happened. All of us here at Sundancer Farm & Rescue made that happen in just a moments notice, and what a whirlwind of a birthday it was. It will ALWAYS be a birthday story to remember. Not too many people would have stepped up and done what we did that day, but I would definately prefer to spend my birthday saving a horses life anytime. We are truly glad we had the chance to save Afir LV’s life that day and to know we did a good deed for such a kind soul. We all enjoyed the time he spent here at Sundancer Farm & Rescue Inc. during his QT and recoup. for his trip to you in FL. May he enjoy the rest of his days basking in happiness and safety. Helen Smith- Sundancer Farm & Rescue Inc.

  23. MaryAnn Myers

    Great article! Great service!!

    1. Elaine Nash

      Thank you, MaryAnn!

  24. Silke Juppenlatz

    What a great idea.
    We don’t really get KB’s in the UK (as far as I know), and rescuing horses isn’t as big an issue as it is in the US — but saying that, sometimes people are stuck somewhere with their horses, in a bad situation, with no transport to get them out.
    Still, if I were over yonder, and had either a trailer, or a place to put up a rescuer and the horse(s), I’d be in there, pronto.

    1. LeGina


    2. Elaine Nash

      Thank you Silke. Good to know we have support in the UK, too!

    3. Barbara Griffith

      @Silke Juppenlatz
      I don’t know if you have heard of the Horse Trust Home of Rest for Horses its located in Speen,Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire,HP 27 opp tel: 01494 488 464
      Its a horse rescue that takes in horses that are abandoned or need help. There seems to be a lot of horses that are left on the sides of roads and left to starve. There is a lot more horse cruelty going on there than people that live in the UK know about also horses being hauled long distances to other EU countries for slaughter. Their email:info@horsetrust.org.uk

  25. maureen Johnston

    So glad there is an organization like this. I am in western Canada, and have spare rooms, and space for horses, or other animals, with shelter and heated waterers.

    Anyone needing a stop over is welcome to call/email.

    1. Elaine Nash

      Terrific, Maureen! Please register at http://www.FleetOfAngels.org, where you can let us know exactly what you have to offer in our data base, where you can be found when needed. Thanks for coming aboard!

      1. maureen Johnston

        I think I did register, is there anyway you can check or cross check to make sure I got it right.

  26. Elaine Nash

    By the way, one thing I’d like to add is that Fleet of Angels also helps transport equines when nature requires evacuations like in cases of fires, flooding, drought, hurricanes, and tornadoes. We also are on call to step up when there are a lot of equines to transport out of dangerous situations like being abandoned on horse farms or ranches, over-burdened rescues that close, or other personal emergencies that sometimes occur.

    Anyone with a truck and trailer, barn, pen, or spare bunk are invited to join. All rates are negotiated privately between rescuer and transporter.

  27. Gezelle Rocking R Cross Ranch Ministry and Rescue

    God Bless you for all you do to help our friends and thanks so much for your article Elaine is wonderful and also great problem solver hugs. We try to do our best and so much joy when we help others get their horses home. Elaine has other FB pages that help out the horses also. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you.

    1. Elaine Nash

      Thank you for your nice words, Gezelle. Happy New Year to you, too!

  28. Tawny O'Hara

    Elaine has started some of the best places on FB and I’m proud to say I’m one of the ones offering overnight stays for horses or a few days while they wait for the next leg of the trip. A busy woman who is never too bust for friends and animals. God Bless you Elaine.

    1. Elaine Nash

      Hey, Tawny! Thank you, dear, for your kind words! You’re a wonderful addition to our efforts. You’re one of the biggest hearted people west of the Mississip!

  29. Cheryl

    Great organization!!!! I have an angel of my own she helped me last summer by shipping some horses to me from Fort Erie for Gas money! I am glad that there is more wonderful people out there like Laura and Alexis who are helping these noble animals!! God bless you all!

    1. Elaine Nash

      Hi, Cheryl. You’re right. There are lots of angels in the US and Canada who’d be eager to help. We just have to let them know about us, so they can register and be found when needed. Thanks!

  30. Elizabeth J Dana

    I am 3 hours from Canada – I have a barn to tie horses in with grain, water and hay and 2 big guest rooms with meals . I can be a stop over for people traveling . I am 16 miles east of Route 81 that goes to Alex Bay and to Ogdensburg NY.

    1. Sioux

      Elizabeth, pls. sign up here….


    2. Elaine Nash

      Hey, Elizabeth! Happy to have you joining us! Thanks!

  31. sybil

    YAY!!! so glad to see this article! i recently bought a 3 horse trailer, and once i find a truck so i can haul it, i’ll be signing up as well! i only have one horse, but wanted to be able to help others out in emergencies!

    1. Elaine Nash

      Super, Sybil! Can’t wait to see your name added to the registry!

  32. Robynne Catheron

    What a fantastic article! I’m honored to be a member of FOA, and have hauled some wonderful horses for some very caring people. God bless you, Elaine Nash.

    1. Elaine Nash

      Thank you for your ongoing participation,Robynne! You are an angel! 🙂

  33. nancy

    great article, great cause, great group of people helping horses!

    1. Elaine Nash

      Hi, Nancy. You’re right! They ARE a great group of people! Each of our members is a horse lover who’s willing to step up and help save lives when called upon. Every member matters.

  34. Mindy Lovell

    This is a fantastic organization run by a fantastic lady!! Although I am in Canada, one of these “angels” shipped a horse for me that we managed to buy back from a kill buyer at New Holland auction and shipped her all the way from Pennsylvania to Florida for just the cost of gas to get the mare back to her former owner/jockey!! 🙂

    1. Elaine Nash

      Hi, Mindy. Thank YOU for what you’ve done for Fleet of Angels! Much appreciated!

  35. Elaine Nash

    Thank you, Susan, for sharing the word about Fleet of Angels! It’s wonderful how people join our effort as soon as they learn about us.

    Our web site is: http://www.FleetOfAngels.org. New transport angels and other volunteers can click on the ‘Register’ button on the home page and fill out the questionaire that will add their information to the directory and to the map of angels.

    Again, thank you Susan, for the great article!

    Elaine Nash
    Founder, Fleet of Angels

  36. Sheral DuBry

    Where do I sign up? I have lodging for horse and human.

    1. Elaine Nash

      Sheral, please go to our web site at http://www.FleetOfAngels.org and click the Register button on the home page. That will take you to a questionnaire that will add you to our Directory and Map of Angels, to let people know what you have to offer.

      Then, please join our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/FleetOfAngels/366926780069507/?notif_t=group_comment, where a lot of networking and trip organizing is done.

      Thank you so much for your interest! We’ll be happy to have you aboard!

  37. ann fox

    Geez…I want a bumper sticker..lol..I am on their list….offering lay-overs …lodging for drivers….& trailering. This organization rocks. I have a 2 horse slant (extra tall & long) that can be turned into an open box stall for those horses that do not tie & like to travel facing backwards.

    1. Elaine Nash

      Hi, Ann. We’ll get those bumper stickers (and other items like magnetic vehicle signs, t-shirts, etc) available as soon as we can. Watch our Facebook page for more on that soon.

  38. Florence McCadden-Fahey

    I have a stall that can be used as Horse bed n breakfast, and nothing more than a couch t sleep on and home cooked food for the weary hauler. Must love dogs, and one cat.

    Can also sure up the paddock for some leg room for four legged friend.

    Its not much, but I call it home…

    Salisbury Massachusetts

    1. Sioux

      Awesome Sally! You can sign up on the website and that way you are official!


    2. Elaine Nash

      Thank you, Florence! Very happy to have your ‘digs’ as a landing spot for angels!

  39. Wendy

    Congratulations to all involved! I’m glad to see an organization like this exists to help other caring people rescue horses.

    1. Elaine Nash

      Thanks, Wendy! Please help us spread the word any way you can.

      1. WendyY

        Yes Elaine, I will share with my network of friends in my area who love horses. I signed up myself to offer shelter to travelling Angels and rescue horses. Don’t have a trailer but happy to help out in any way I can.

  40. TBDancer

    I think I’ll sign up for this–I have a 2-h straight load bumper pull (no big deal, in other words) but if I can be of help, I’m happy to do so. “I will haul for fuel” ;o) A new bumper sticker ;o)

    1. Elaine Nash

      Thank you, TB Dancer! Happy to have you!

  41. ann fox

    Twittering & sharing

  42. Sally

    What a great story, Sue, hurray for Elaine Nash and others like her who are actively finding boots-on-the-ground ways to help horses in need. And the perfect name, Fleet of Angels, for what they are doing!

    1. Elaine Nash

      Thank you, Sally!

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