Texas horse dragged by truck is recovering

Texas horse nicknamed Dragster

Texas horse nicknamed Dragster

In Texas, the horse who was badly injured last month in an animal-cruelty case that left him skinned over large areas of his torso, and outraged the horse-welfare network, is expected to make a full recovery.

According to Darla Cherry, president and executive director of Meadow Haven Horse Rescue in Texas, the good-natured equine who came into her care three weeks ago is healing from his wounds, and has found a nearby adoptive home, where all his veterinary needs will be met.

“We found him a forever home that has a veterinarian on call,” Cherry says, noting that he is expected to take a full six months to re-grow his hair, while undergoing treatments using mesh and methods to sterilize the wounds.

The no-name horse was injured Nov. 10 when he was tied to the back of a truck, which was then accelerated to a speed faster than the horse could run. When he eventually fell to the ground, the horse was dragged 100 yards before the vehicle was stopped, according to online news service KXAN.com.

While police issued a warrant for suspect Mariano Villafuerta, 43, who is reportedly still at large, word of the animal’s horrific treatment spread like wildfire on Facebook.

“He became an overnight sensation, let me tell you,” Cherry says. “He’s built up a fan club.  He’s a super star!”

His case caught the attention of California horse advocate Deborah Jones, who notified members of her network, including well-known Texas horseman and philanthropist John R. Murrell.

Heading to treatment

Heading to treatment

After Jones sent Murrell a link to the story, he contacted the Bastrop County Sheriff’s Department, which is handling the case, and offered to pledge a $1,000 reward leading to the arrest of the suspect.

“It is a criminal and inhumane act,” Murrell says, explaining that he had hoped to help bring the culprit to justice.

Murrell’s kind offer was declined however, because there was already a $1,000 reward in place, he explained.

But his gesture was greatly appreciated by Cherry, who sees animal cruelty cases all too often.

As president of the certified 501 (c) 3 nonprofit, which accepts animal-cruelty cases, she has seen more than one case like this one; and, she hopes the fact that a reward is in place will be an incentive for someone to turn in the suspect.

And she credits Murrell for offering his own money, even if it wasn’t needed.

“I’m amazed someone has offered his money like that!” she says. “If somebody finds out there’s money involved, maybe they’ll turn him in.”

7 responses to “Texas horse dragged by truck is recovering”

  1. Cynthia Minchillo

    Susan, I hate to say thank you for bringing this story, but for the good of the horse, thanks. I’m embarrassed to be a Texan and have been hanging on to this posting. I have shared it on Facebook in hopes that someone will recognize this in-human and turn him in. I agree with the others that have posted, it makes me want to do things to him that are not right. However, the right thing to do is help find him and collect the reward. I dream of finding him, collecting, and donating the money to help this horse. Thanks again for bringing so much awareness.

  2. Billie Douglas

    God Bless his new parents and the wonderful vets for helping this amazing beautiful horse. And may the criminal that did this die in HELL!

  3. Jon

    Why when I see things like this does it enrage me to the point of wanting to kill the person that committed this horrible act with out mercy or regret for doing so. This horse did not deserve this.When he is healed, may he and the people that are helping him have a long charmed life.

  4. Anna Peters

    I hope this scumbag is caught and someone ties him to a truck and drags him down the road until he is almost dead, and then lock his ass up until he dies!!!! He is a despicable peice of shit!

  5. Tara MacLeod

    If there is a Hell, there is a special place there, just for people who would do this to an innocent animal!

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