16 responses to “‘Thoroughbreds can take down any breed’”

  1. Danielle Hickmore

    Love ottbs all i have in my stables ❤

  2. Jeannie Parisi

    I am glad to see them being saved but please OH please do not run them to the ground like they did ob the track, they race them before their legs and back are fully developed ! Are you doing the same thing?

    1. Jeannie Parisi


    2. Carolyn McDonald

      Jeannie, most OTTB horses are at an age when their musculosketal system has been fully developed. There were 2 OTTB horses that competed in the Olympics, Blackfoot and a Brazilian rider did very nicely on his ex-racehorse and displayed that he puts his horse first, as Boyd Martin does – great to see the multi talented thoroughbred being represented at the Olympics.
      There most certainly are some equestrian horses who are pushed to extremes with their welfare not a consideration, with unethical and cruel methods used to get the horse to do what the human wants of it.

      I was appalled when the commentator, Vicki Roycroft from Australia, said “the horse has let him down”. I think it was a New Zealand rider, in the Jumping yesterday. All of the horses were tired after a gruelling cross country the previous day, as Boyd said this course was hard on the horse. This particular horse was very tired and doing his best. It’s the humans who let horses down! There should be one day of rest and recover after the cross country. It’s not natural equine behaviour for the horse to jump but he can be trained to jump. Make no bones about it, they’re not loving it ….because it’s stressful with those high jumps whilst racing against the clock. And of course the magnificent horse has no choice but he kindly obliges. More respect for the horse, Vicki Roycroft!

      1. Lindsay

        Carolyn while I completely agree with most of your comments and horse welfare should rule the day, I totally disagree with the jumping comment. Horses are built to handle terrain. That includes jumping. Many, including my own, absolutely love the challenge of jumping. He gets all excited to roar out on cross country and have a ball. He’s an OTTB, is brave, kind, and brilliant. Just like dogs who love obstacle courses, horses can love the physical and mental challenges of eventing and people like Boyd look for horses who enjoy it as much as he does. They are out there. We should care for them AND have a wonderful, fun, and loving partnership where we can thrive together. Thank goodness for people who rehome and retrain this amazing and mighty breed. They love to run AND they can love to jump. They are made for it.

        1. Deb Coniff

          I agree about the jumping part especially! My mare would rather jump than eat and I’ve had several that would jump obstacles in their pasture on their own just for fun!

  3. Carolyn McDonald

    Blackfoot and Boyd have just done themselves proud in the jumping event.
    At this point in time, they’re on top of the leader board.
    What a team these two are – yesterday 6th place after cross country.
    The thoroughbred gives his all.
    Blackfoot is green competing against very experienced rivals who are mostly warm-bloods. Thrilled to bits for horse and rider, they’re so in sync with Boyd’s expertise and Blackfoot’s natural talents.

  4. Holly Dana

    I have had all other types of breeds but bought my first OTTB in November last year as a 4 year old mare and she is one of the best I’ve ever had. I’ve ridden other tb before and she is not like any of them smart yet not flighty. I am hoping she goes far in the eventing world also.

  5. Nancy Stremple

    Thank you Boyd for your great article. We just entered the OTTB WORLD with our daughter and her horse Amber. So far a wonderful experience. They love eventing.

  6. Helen Bilby

    I have ALWAYS LOVED THOROUGHBREDS. I feel they can excel in any sport. But as with any breed, it is not the breed as much as each idiviual horse has to be hand picked for each chosen horse sport. This is true for EVERY BREED. You don’t just buy a certain breed without KNOWING how you will use it. In my experience the Thoroughbred is quicker to learn, has more heart, and has more stamina when trained and fit….for all disciplines. I have ALWAYS felt that their agility is due to having a lighter bone structure to move around with giving them more endurance therefore not breaking down as much as the heavier boned and bodied horses. I am not including race horses that are pushed at a far younger age of development….2 and 3 year olds. But there are lucky ones that do come off the track unscathed fortunatlet and there are a lot of these and they are WONDERFUL. Just choose them wisely

  7. Cynthia nickerson

    Thank you Boyd for a terrific testimony about your horse and for raising awareness of OTTBs and the amazing creatures they are!
    Never did I think I’d own a TB, let alone a OTTB – Britty T-but she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me (aside from my children 🙂 I’m honored to be her person.

  8. Amber Lane Smith

    Susan Bellinger, these were my thoughts exactly on a post on The Chronicle of the Horse which everyone ignored. I think there is a big correlative if you can find the stats on the breeding of each of the deaths and serious injuries to human and equine alike.

  9. Helen Davidson

    I have TB,s all my life(I,m87) and there is nothing like them.I have a mare on the SA circut (off the track) in three years she has reached 130.m and never fails to be plac ed or win!

  10. Susan Bellinger

    Are there records kept of falls in cross country? My question is about the horse. Could it be when the heavier sport horses get tired they are more prone to get caught on a fence. Just wondering??? It seems that in the old days the sport was dominated by Thoroughbreds….

  11. Carolyn McDonald

    An illuminating message from Boyd Martin. One very lucky ex-racehorse, keep safe.

  12. Mary McLeod

    Bon chance to you both. You look great together!!! Take care, Mary in Boone

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