Saratoga Springs pledges to help OTTBs
PRESS RELEASE—The City of Saratoga Springs, N.Y., under the leadership of Mayor Joanne Yepsen, will become the first city to address responsible racehorse stewardship in an official city pledge. Beginning in 2015, in recognition of the impact that horse racing has on the economic vitality and quality of life in Saratoga Springs, the City will join Racehorse Aftercare Charities of Saratoga, an alliance of local charities involved in racehorse aftercare and retirement. Through this initiative, the City of Saratoga pledges to increase awareness of racehorse aftercare among its residents, businesses and tourists and foster ways that these groups can engage […]

Injured racehorse is no lawn ornament; a gift
Paoli is a 17-hand strapping gelding so beautiful that strangers will stop their cars to get a picture. He presides like a king over the small Kentucky farm he shares with three other ex-racehorse Thoroughbreds. As the alpha male in the herd he makes sure everyone behaves; and, as the apple in the eye for owners Elizabeth and Glenn Rosenberg, he’s a powerful reminder of the worth of all equine athletes. “Paoli in particular is such a wonderful, wonderful horse,” Elizabeth says. “Never could I have imagined having a horse like him before he came along. And even though he […]

She was blessed after her last indignity
Her face held tightly in check with a bridle cinched over a drab halter, the aging broodmare carried the burly stranger on her bare back in the last indignity of her life. Curling her lip against the pressure of his strong hands, which pulled a little too tightly on the reins, Mintsonthepillow kept her composure as she walked and trotted for the man at the feedlot who would help ship her to slaughter as thoughtlessly as he rode her on the blacktop of a Pennsylvania feedlot. And in that darkest hour, when it seemed nobody cared what happened to a […]