DNA test reveals ID of seized mystery mare
A severely emaciated mare seized last June in a sweep by the South Florida SPCA and Miami-Dade Police Department was officially identified through Jockey Club DNA testing last week as Affirmed’s granddaughter, Crowning Glory. The descendant of the last horse to win the Triple Crown, whose identity had been a mystery up until now, raced 13 times and went on to produce five foals in near succession. Her first foal, Cardiac Output, now a beautiful mare, was discovered starving alongside her mother on the day the police and SPCA swooped in on a property in South Florida. Crowning Glory New […]

OTTBs welcome public to TRF Open Barn
The Central Maryland Correctional Facility will throw open the doors of its beautifully handcrafted Thoroughbred barn tomorrow during its Fall Open Barn & Fundraiser. The public will be invited to walk past the front fence, where a pair of Thoroughbreds typically station themselves in direct view of passersby proffering treats. “Our goals were to open up the barn to let the community come and see all the horses,” says Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation Farm Manager Judi Coyne. “I see people coming up to the fence line all the time to feed two of the horses, but we have six horses back […]

Prejudice led to great T’bred line
BY DENNY EMERSON — If you ride a thoroughbred in 2015, anywhere on planet earth, you do so because back in 1934 an Englishman had a prejudiced attitude toward Italians. WHAT? Yup. In 1934, an Italian horseman named Federico Tesio had a mare, Nogara, that he wanted to breed to Lord Derby’s champion race horse, Fairway. But Lord Derby’s stud manager, the person responsible for accepting mares into Fairway’s book, was prejudiced against Italians, and refused Tesio’s request. So Tesio bred Nogara to Pharos, the full brother of Fairway. The resulting foal was Nearco, a great champion on the racetrack, […]