Inmate-student Anthony Shelton with Prince of Mine. Photo courtesy of Anthony Depanise/MD. Dept. Of Public Safety and Correctional Services
The Central Maryland Correctional Facility will throw open the doors of its beautifully handcrafted Thoroughbred barn tomorrow during its Fall Open Barn & Fundraiser.
The public will be invited to walk past the front fence, where a pair of Thoroughbreds typically station themselves in direct view of passersby proffering treats.
“Our goals were to open up the barn to let the community come and see all the horses,” says Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation Farm Manager Judi Coyne. “I see people coming up to the fence line all the time to feed two of the horses, but we have six horses back here, and it’s such a beautiful, serene property—people should see it.”
The main barn, an old cow-milking facility that was entirely and beautifully reconditioned by inmate labor, is now home to some pretty nice ex-racehorses, says Coyne, noting that three special OTTBs have been bathed, had their manes pulled, and will be ready to greet visitors and pose for pictures.
Thoroughbreds Judge Luci, a 12-year-old bay with a bright star and her boyfriend Dancer will join Quite Rightly, the herd leader, in greeting families and children during a daylong event, which will also feature a cookout, barn tour, and activities for children.
Doors open at 10 a.m. for The Fall Open Barn & Fundraiser, and activities run to 1 p.m.
The barn is located at 6900 Slacks Road, Sykesville, Md., between the American Legion and MacBeth Way.