Photo of the week: Fiery OTTB converts another
With ears pinned as if ready to fight, Inside Draw arrived at Allyson May’s tranquil barn in Maine last winter like some awful news or a despised guest. Sending everyone scampering to get out of his way, the beautiful dark bay scared everyone who approached him, recalls May, whose heart sank the instant she met the 17-hand gelding. “We didn’t like each other at first sight,” May says. “He was rather aggressive, defensive of his stall and untrusting. If I went into his stall, he’d pin his ears and pick his feet up at me. He didn’t actually try to […]

One-eyed T’bred helps vets with PTSD
Mr. Bad Deal turned a disfigured head to study the situation. Looking for all the word like an old vet whose battle scars had faded with the passage of time, he focused his only good eye on the woman who spoke softly to him. His right eye socket, where his other eye should have been, was a crater in a facial moonscape, gaping empty and dark. But as he heard the sound of a kind voice, his ears pricked forward, and quickly, Mr. Bad Deal showed he understood: he was among a friend, no enemy loomed. Mr. Bad Deal Sire: […]

Famous farm hires ex-con ‘horse whisperer’
A few hours in the sun and a little fresh air was all a former Maryland inmate hoped for when he signed up for a program that would teach him how to take care of Thoroughbreds. Tim Brooks certainly had no lofty expectations, not of working among the horsey set, nor becoming the equivalent of the Central Maryland Correctional Facility’s horse whisperer. But that’s exactly what happened when Brooks started working with moody red ex-racehorse Prince Tutta as part of his horsemanship training offered by theThoroughbred Retirement Foundation’s Second Chances program. Noticing Prince Tutta’s pinned ears and the way the chestnut gelding, […]