Southern States, Tampa Bay Downs help OTTBs

Southern States Equine Specialist Olivia Croxton, left, helped deliver $1,200 in donated items to the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation at James River.

Southern States Equine Specialist Olivia Croxton, left, helped deliver $1,200 in donated items to the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation at James River.

Southern States donates to TRF

For the third consecutive year, OTTBs at the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation (TRF) in James River were the recipients of a generous donations from Southern States feed store in Midlothian, Va.

Customers of the store purchased myriad items for the horses when they did their shopping this season, doubling the amount donated to the TRF this year, says Olivia Croxton, equine specialist at the feed supply store.

After plucking a photo of a TRF horse from an Angel Tree set up in the equine section of the store, customers flipped the photo over to read a list of needed supplies, she says.

Customers purchased roughly $1,200 in feed, treats and health items.

“This was our third year doing it. We set up a little tree inside our equine department, and one of the (TRF) volunteers had taken pictures of the horses, and written needed items on the back of each picture,” Croxton says. “Each year the donations grow. This year, we donated 15 bags of Always Feed and 20 bags of treats. We also gave shampoos, halters, hoof picks, fly spray and other grooming items.”

Croxton is pictured with inmates at James River Work House, who helped to unload the bounty at Barn 4 this week.

Tampa Bay Downs pledged to support OTTB charity the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance.

Tampa Bay Downs pledged to support OTTB charity the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance.

Tampa Bay Downs signs on with TAA

(Press Release)— The Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance (TAA) announced this week that Tampa Bay Downs has joined the TAA community. The track, located in Tampa, Fla., has signed on to provide a per-start matching donation to the TAA beginning with its current 2015-2016 race meet.

Horse owners have the opportunity to contribute $5 per start to the TAA through their Horseman’s Bookkeeper Account for each horse that starts in a race at Tampa Bay Downs. The track will then match the contributions made by owners.

“We are delighted to join the growing number of racetracks that share the TAA’s mission to treat Thoroughbred athletes with the respect and compassion they deserve after their racing careers end,” stated Peter Berube, Tampa Bay Downs vice president and general manager. “Tampa Bay Downs is dedicated to providing each horse a safe retirement home and the opportunity to transition to a new career after they leave the track.”

“Tampa Bay Downs has demonstrated their deep commitment to Thoroughbred aftercare through this great initiative and should be highly commended for doing so,” said Jimmy Bell, TAA and Darley America president. “We are very grateful to the owners who will be making the $5-per-start donation and to Tampa Bay Downs for matching those donations. We hope more horsemen and racetracks throughout the country will continue to follow the example set by Tampa Bay Downs along with Churchill Downs, Ellis Park, Keeneland, and Turfway Park who signed on earlier this year.”

One response to “Southern States, Tampa Bay Downs help OTTBs”

  1. Mary McLeod

    Thanks to Southern States and Tampa Bay Downs for their generosity to this excellent cause. Love the photo taken in Barn 4!!!! Many blessings to the individuals and equines involved, Mary in Boone

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