Photo of the Week: A southern gentleman

Summer and her Southern Gentleman have formed a happy bond.

Summer and her Southern Gentleman have formed a happy bond.

Summer Wessinger-Prehoda was always a big Warmblood fan until she met her OTTB, Western Diamond. Her first horse, she purchased the 2003 gelding by Western Boarders in 2012 and re-named him Southern Gentleman. After which, they worked through several training issues before she declared him to be her “diamond in the rough.” Though he has now been retired, due to a suspensory injury sustained at the track,  he has a happy home with her. “I don’t think I will ever find a horse so sweet or lovely,” she says.

5 responses to “Photo of the Week: A southern gentleman”

  1. nancy atkinson

    Summer, my e-mail is If you e-mail me, I would like to send you a picture of Westie to compare to Beau. My first trail ride with Westie it took 6 people to hold him for me to get on. We did the first 3 miles sideways. Now, we go camping together and ride for miles alone. He has calmed down a lot! I am 67 and my hunting and showing days are behind me due to the knees so now he babysits me! If I had to ride any horse other than a TB, I would go back to the gold course.They are so misunderstood and somewhat feared. What a fantastic animal and friend once they bond!

  2. Lynne Jones

    Beautiful horse. I’m so happy you found each other. I want to be as lucky one day. May all the enjoyment life can bring come your way together.

  3. Michelle Y.

    Great picture!

  4. nancy atkinson

    My baby, Who’s Ya Man, aka Westie, is also by Western Boarders. When I first got him, he had been determined too nuts to ride due to attitude. He has turned into my best friend and takes very good care of this old woman with bad knees. Would love to talk to Summer and compare their personalties and history.

    1. Summergrace

      Hi Nancy,

      This is my boy…I know what you mean about the nuts part; but it turns out, its just misunderstanding! Beau(his barn name) was deemed to be that way for a while too, but in reality he was just sensitive. Anyone who had had him before didn’t quite understand him and even at some points I didn’t. He was very afraid of disappointing and always over-reacted that he wouldn’t be able to do what I was asking for. He wouldn’t even trailer the first 6 months we got him. But with a change of location and some amazingly understanding trainers Beau blossomed and went from being too much of a nervous wreck to go into the ring to winning Grand Champion and blues in all of the tests he performed(he was doing dressage at this point). He then went on to become a lovely low level hunter before the injury became apparent. But I really bought him because of his personality…never have I had a horse that I thought would crawl into my lap if given the chance, but I certainly thought Beau would. 11 years in horses and he was the sweetest horse I have ever and probably will ever meet. Glad to hear your boy is still doing well!!

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