Old, gray gelding dumped in C-9 basin, saved

This 22-year-old gray gelding was abandoned at a concrete plant in the notorious C-9 Basin on the edges of the Florida Everglades.

This 22-year-old gray gelding was abandoned at a concrete plant in the notorious C-9 Basin on the edges of the Florida Everglades.

A 22-year-old Kentucky bred suffering from severe lacerations to his legs and ankles, and skin abrasions on his face and elsewhere, was rescued by the South Florida SPCA and Miami-Dade Police Department Sunday night.

The sweet-tempered gentleman identified by a lip tattoo as Sosa, a gray gelding sired by multiple graded stakes winner Once Wild, had been dumped in the notorious C-9 basin in South Florida. That’s where horses are discarded all too often meet a sad end at the hand of illegal butchers, or starve to death, according to Laurie Waggoner, of the South Florida SPCA.

His injuries

His injuries

Sosa was dumped outside a cement factory, she says, and it’s possible he fell. “His injuries are consistent with a horse that falls on the street,” she says. “His knees are skinned, and the front of his ankles, and the back of his legs, his lip, and the side of his face and shoulder” have all sustained abrasions, she adds.

A nearby barn owner, who notified police, and set the rescue in motion, spotted the horse.

When he first arrived, Waggoner says he limped badly. She bedded him down for the night in fresh shavings with plenty of food and water, and by the next morning his limp had diminished.

The veterinarian is treating his gaping wounds, which ooze puss, with a medicated wrap, says Waggoner, who notes the expensive treatment is expected to help the wounds heal quickly. “The vet told me that when we unwrap his legs, I won’t believe the difference,” she says, noting that given the cost of the wraps —$50 per leg— they hope to leave the treatment in place for at least a week. If the wounds saturate the wraps, they will be removed sooner, she adds.

Sosa was picked up by the Miami-Dade Police Sunday night.

Sosa was picked up by the Miami-Dade Police Sunday night. He is wearing medicated wraps to help his severe lacerations heal.

In addition to his cuts and abrasions, Sosa is roughly 200 pounds underweight, she adds.

But none of this is affecting his good nature!

“What a sweet horse he is! He stood perfectly while I washed him and had to pull off the dead skin,” Waggoner says. “And he’s eating great. He sure does love his grain. When I walk in, he looks at me and nudges his bucket like he’s saying, ‘Hey, this bucket’s empty.’ ”

She adds, “He’s such a good, nice horse. He’s very cute.”

Those interested in contributing to the welfare of the 22-year-old gelding may do so by clicking this hyperlink. ♥

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8 responses to “Old, gray gelding dumped in C-9 basin, saved”

  1. Delrene Sims

    Thank God for the barn owner and the police Department. Such a terrible crime. Heal Sosa and I hope the rest of your days are happy and you can nudge the feed bucket and always have seconds. Thank you for reporting this event.

  2. Nuala Galbari

    Jon — I agree with you. Blessings and thanks to the barn owner who reported this tragedy, and to the officers of the Miami-Dade Police Department and those involved in his care and rehabilitation. Thank you all.

    I hope the prior owner(s) can be traced and fined for this tragedy.

    May beautiful Sosa find a forever home in green pastures with loving caretakers. I have a 22-year-old as well — a Hanoverian who is a retired jumper. He lives in happy retirement with his herd; just his presence brings joy to those around him and he is free to be a horse now — and play at will. His ‘job’ is watching over his herd.

    Get well soon, beloved Sosa.

  3. Lana Marie

    So fortunate this horse was found ALIVE!! Inner rage is putting it mild…I do hope the back story of him will come out, as to the sick demented individual that abandoned a horse especially of this age. Again…the money made etc. means nothing & is certainly in no way a safety net for any horse!

  4. Sher Kirk

    I’m curious what the vet treated his injuries with and his progress look forward to up dates .

  5. Sher Kirk

    This horses injuries remind me of horses used in horse tripping.

  6. cheri vaughan

    I have to agree with you, Jon. Sosa will heal, I am sure. What a sinful shameful act committed against this precious equine athlete. We are so happy he did not succumb to his ill treatment! Come on, Sosa!! One last finish line to cross to health and safety!!

  7. Jon

    I wish him well. I can barely type over my inner rage.

  8. Jenny

    I hope who ever bred or owned this horse when he was winning stakes steps forward and helps this poor guy

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