Before Davy Jones was famous, he dreamed of being a jockey. Photo courtesy of the Estate of David T. Jones
Long before Davy Jones became a Monkee, he was a horseman.
It was in the company of racehorses that he sought to make a career as a young jockey. Until, that is, his trainer lovingly kicked him out of the racing stables for his own good, with the admonishment that he shouldn’t have to be picking up after horses his whole life, says Jones’ daughter Jessica Cramer Jones.
“My father was a broken boy when he first discovered horses,” Jones says in a telephone interview with Off-TrackThoroughbreds.com. “He was 12 when he lost his mother, and he turned to horses in his grief. They are what gave him his confidence back … horses kept him together his whole life.”
In a similar way, horses pulled together Jones’ four daughters, his friends, family, and so many fans of the 60’s era pop group, after the 66-year-old entertainer died suddenly and unexpectedly last February.
“The horses were his family,” Jones explains. “And when my father passed away, there was a resounding grief that everyone felt because it was so unexpected. There was a huge shock amongst everybody in the family, and the first words on everybody’s lips were, ‘Oh my God,’ and then the second thing we said was, ‘What are we going to do about the horses?’ ”
A month after Jones’ death in February, Jones and her sisters organized a benefit concert at BB King’s in New York City, where former members of The Monkees and other celebrities raised money for the fallen singer’s herd of 15.
Setting aside their grief, the daughters used the proceeds raised at the concert to carefully transport the horses, some in their 20s, others with physical issues, from Florida to California and establish the The Davy Jones Equine Memorial Foundation.
Situated near two California-based daughters, the sanctuary was created to keep safe what his father held so dear, explains Jones, of England.
In the nearly two years since Jones’ death, the foundation and its horses have reaped astounding support from fans, who have generously donated to their support and have even created fan clubs for individual horses.
These clubs are comprised of between 10 and 20 people who help support the animal on a monthly basis, she says, noting that the fans have been “incredible.”

A trio of horses live a quiet life under the care of those who loved Davy Jones. Photo courtesy Davy Jones Equine Memorial Foundation
“My father wasn’t one of these celebrities who hides behind sunglasses and a cap. He was accessible. And he was kind to people,” she says. “Now that kindness has come back to us, to help his horses.”
The plan is to keep the horses with the Davy Jones Foundation—most can’t be ridden or are not suitable to be re-homed, she says, and to let the herd who meant so much to a young horseman from Britain live their lives out in happy contentment.
This is how Davy Jones would have wanted it.
The animals who kept him grounded throughout his life, who made him “feel human” after grueling months of travel and entertaining are now living out their lives “just being horses.”
I help sponsor Jess Jones. Its great to help the horses!!! I loved Davy my whole life and still do!
I never met Davy personally but I will never forget his the affect that he has had on my life and I’ve passed that on to my 5 year old son. I wanna be free,
Like the bluebirds flying by me
Like the waves out on the blue sea…Long live Davy Jones.
Will help when financially able! God bless Davy Jones
been a fan of davy and the monkees since the first time on tv loved the then now and forever i wished i had the money to help davy horses i cant even pay my bills two months behind already if my problems get solved i will love to help davys horse god bless davys amazing girls and god bless them and rest in peace the late great davy jones daydream believer forever
I met Davy 10 years ago when I first moved to Florida at a charity barbecue for a local no kill shelter. He was so sweet! and posed for pictures with me. I wish I had gotten his autograph. He loved meeting fans and helping as much as he could for the community where he lived. I was devastated when someone at work told me had passed away. I wish I could help out financially with the horses, but I am a cancer patient on a very fixed income.
A wonderful article — thank you! I have always be fond of Mr. Jones, followed his music career in earlier days, and — I must also say — it was our fascination with Davy Jones (at age 13 or so in school) that led many of us to our first experiences with horses; we owe him much. I am delighted to hear that his beloved equine family will be well cared for in this sanctuary. Mr.Jones was a wonderful, kind, endearing person, who was much loved by so many.
Loved Davy Jones grew up with The Monkees always dreamed of meeting him maybe in my next life this is an awesome thing his daughters are doing wish I had money to help but don’t right now but just wanted to say loved Davy jones
I am a sponsor of Davy’s horse, Regal. Regal has a neurological condition, and could not be rehomed. Even if any of these horses could be, it would be like giving away a family member to the Jones girls. Davy gave me so much happiness as a kid, and pulled me through some tough times. I was devasted when he left us, and this is the least I can do to help his family. You don’t need to have much money at all (and I don’t!), because there are so many of us who have banded together to support Davy’s herd. I have also made many new friends, and we have a great support group. Please consider helping, and contact Davy’s Angels on FB. Great article!
Having a recent death in my immediate family I am barely able to funtion. It is unbelievable how the Jones girls, during their time of grief, banded together to save their father’s horses. I can’t imagine where they got their strength or energy. I help sponsor Manchester Cowboy and I have asked anyone that would normally send my recently deceased 27 year old daughter a Christmas gift to help sponsor Harry Jones, named after David’s dad, in her memory. PLEASE, if you can spare even ten dollars a month could you consider helping to sponsor Beau or Harry? Thank you David for the music and memories. RIP.
Another great write story by Susan! Thank you for this; I can literally hear Jessica say the details as they were written. And yes, Davy’s fans are totally great and many new friendships were built through the sponsoring groups for each single horse of the Jones’ herd!
The DJEMF.com is a very special foundation. It is in honor of a man who was loved by millions of girls, including myself. He brought laughter and happiness into my life as a tween, some of the worst years a girl can go through. Davy made every Monday night a happy time for me. Both my son and daughter new I loved Davy. They heard of his death before I did and both texted me within minutes. I was so shocked, stunned, and upset. My husband had a heart attack at 46 and survived it, thankfully. My mind immediately went to his 4 daughters. ( all girls! ) The devastation of a sudden death is unbearable.
When I heard of the Davy Jones Equine Memorial Foundation, I saw a way to help his daughters. My children were lucky that their father survived. I had seen a small video clip of Baz Foster. That was it. I was going to sponsor him, to give back to Davy, but most importantly, help his daughters keep the Jones herd together. It has given me so much joy!!
Go to the DJEMF.com web sight and see what the girls are doing. They need help. They have a wish list of supplies. Most are not costly. In the spirit of the Holiday Season, lets all try to fill the cart and give the herd all the little things that make their life easier. It is easy to use, and each horse will love the gift they receive. Together we can do this. I have already sent off my gift.
I will get to meet MY Baz probably in the spring. I can’t wait. Not having even seen him, Baz has brought joy into my heart.
Girls, your dad is so proud of you. May this holiday season bring you the joy that sponsoring Baz has done for me. I am proud to be associated with DJEMF.
Happy holidays to all, and may your heart be filled with Joy.
The Shampoo Lady, Diane
Davy Jones was not just an entertainer but a man who cared deeply for his family, friends, fans and horses. His daughters are now taking up their father’s legacy with pride and he would proud of them and all they have accomplished.
Not only is David a friend,but one if the kindest,most warm people I have ever met.Always so kind,genuine…I am one of the sponsors for Jess…It is an honour,for all he gave me.
If I was able to afford it, I would sponsor one of the horses in a heartbeat. Not being able to find a job prevents me from doing this. But once I do, you bet I will help Davy’s Angels every which way I can.
Join us, Davy’s Angels, and help sponsor these wonderful animals. It allows us to pay back all that Davy and his family have given us over the years, and to pay it forward as well. Love to the Jones girls and the herd.
Davy’s Angels: https://www.facebook.com/Davysangels
I am a sponsor for one of Davy’s horses Smither, and this just a small thing to do for a man that made my teens a happy time in the 60’s. I was and am a Monkee fan for life and will love Davy Jones forever. His love and compassion has earned him a place in Heaven, Ride on Cowboy !
We all loved Davy Jones as teenage girls…he was my favorite Monkee! It’s great that he took care of horses who would have a hard time finding homes. Knowing that the herd will be safe to live out their lives well cared for is comforting. Maybe the idea of forming clubs to care for groups of horses should be explored by others wanting to perpetuate horse care.
Thanks Susan for another heartwarming horse story!
This is the kind of man Davy Jones was. The horses are fortunate that his daughters are as kind and caring as their father. I am a sponsor for his horse Smither. It’s just a small thing I can do to repay Davy for all the love and happiness he gave to his fans over the years. He will always be in my heart.
So true. God Bless Davy’s daughter and God Bless the Horses
The club that forms groups to help sponsor Davy’s horses is Davy’s Angels. They are currently working to put sponsor groups together for the last two horses Harry and Beau. Beau is one of the horses who would have a hard time being re-homed because of the injuries he suffered as a colt. If you are interested in helping to sponsor either Beau or Harry, please contact Davy’s Angels here: https://www.facebook.com/Davysangels
Also here’s a link to the sponsor FAQs which answers questions that prospective sponsors have about how this works. http://davysangelsshopping.byronsbyte.com/davyAngels_FAQs.pdf
Thanks so much for this article! It’s great!
I had a big crush on Davy Jones when I was a teenager. Still have their first album. It is so nice to hear that there are wonderful people that are taking care of his horses and that they will have a forever home with love for the rest of their lives.
What an inspiring story, as always, from OTB. Had no idea Davy Jones had this passion and cared so deeply. What a fine example. Would like to know of other celebrities who are out there doing good works for our horses in need. Such an awareness to the public would help more people realize how special horses are and by example, celebrity involvement might help gather involvement for folks to do the same.
This is so cool!!!!
What a Heartwarming story. RIP Davy. We will never ever forget you