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Melissa Rudershausen, a well-known Thoroughbred advocate and head of DoubleRock Thoroughbred Rescue, with Gunner, her Jumper phenom

Half-TB is amateur jumper reserve champ

A-Circuit equestrian Melissa Rudershausen, a well-known Thoroughbred advocate and head of DoubleRock Thoroughbred Rescue, clinched the reserve championship in the Jumper Amateur Owner National Championships last week aboard half-Thoroughbred mount, Gunner. Racing against the clock in jumper competitions that drew approximately 300 competitors to the January-to-November show season, the pair was “fast, very fast” across the jumps, excelling in jump-offs, and covering ground very well, says Rudershausen, noting that she credits her mount’s speed, agility and heart to his mother Usta Could’s Thoroughbred line. “His Mom only won $57 on the track, but she was a great broodmare who produced […]