Henry, the roadside rescue, is picture perfect

Going from emaciated and defeated, Henry has done a complete turn-around

Going from emaciated and defeated, Henry has done a complete turn-around


















Happy Labor Day from Off-TrackThoroughbreds.com. We hope the long weekend offers everyone a chance to appreciate the good things in life, little or great.

In lieu of a story this morning, please enjoy a new photo of Barkinspider, a roadside rescue colt in Louisiana who we reported on last month, and who is now a children’s hunter/jumper pony named Henry.

First rescued by the Lafayette Parish Animal Control last September, he was adopted by Anne Marie P. Muller, an attorney and avid equestrian. In an article last month in Off-TrackThoroughbreds.com, Muller recalls, “What struck me more than anything was how defeated he seemed. After I saw his picture on Facebook, I drove an hour to go see him in person, and while I stood with him in his pasture, he allowed me to hold his head in my hands. I remember thinking, ‘How do you walk away from that?’ If it wasn’t going to be me, who else would it be? I had to take him.”

Congratulations to Muller and Henry for a beautiful new start to life.


7 responses to “Henry, the roadside rescue, is picture perfect”

  1. Anne Marie Muller

    To be sure to give credit where credit is due: Kelsey Gore, daughter of trainer Janet Talmadge is riding in this photo. Kelsey is an accomplished rider who has competed most of her life and is on the LSU Equestrian team. As I am almost 6 feet tall, Kelsey offered to ride Henry at his first show. I couldn’t have been happier to have such an accomplished rider for Henry and clearly, her expertise is evidenced by this photo!

  2. Susan Crane-Sundell

    Barkinspider is showing everyone what a little love and faith can do. I kept the picture of him lying in his stall right after his rescue to remind me that everyone has a chance to another start. Henry the phoenix horse trying his heart out in response to love and care. What a nice holiday present that was!

  3. Gloria

    What a splendid outcome for all. He looks awesome. Can not believe that someone left him for dead on the roadside. Congratulations to you both.

  4. Jo-Anne Ward

    Happy Labour Day to you too, Susan. As well as Anne Marie and of course, Henry! Great Recovery and Turn Around for a now Bright-Eyed Gelding with Literally a New Lease on Life. So Awesome.
    Sorry, have to say it though, I’d love to see the lowlife human who dumped ‘Barkinspider’ punished though.
    Also, as a sidebar comment here,another OTTB worth a mention again is Press Exclusive mare, as many folks recall the slaughter bound mess she was found in, by Mindy. Now, Annahein Racing Stable has her last foal, HIP#217,a Bay Filly that foaled April 27th,2012 consigned in CTHS yearling sale tomorrow at Woodbine.I sure hope the right owner buys her!

  5. LL

    I know it’s probably not possible, but I wish these people who toss away their horses could find out what they really gave away. Gorgeous picture of Henry and his new owner!!!!! I wish them much success.

  6. R.A.C.E. Fund, Inc.

    Go Henry!. The little horse that could.

  7. Jon

    Well done! What a great little horse!

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