Stork delivers a Formidably cute filly

Belle sporting her new winter blanket

Belle sporting her new winter blanket

Three Chimneys Farm stallion Formidable became a father for the first time on Jan. 9 with the birth of his progeny, Belle.

At 10:45 p.m., the Palomino Quarter Horse mare Norma went into labor at the University of Minnesota’s Crookston equine campus, and delivered a tall, leggy filly who is sorrel in color, and carries a more fine-boned Thoroughbred trait, rather than the stockier Quarter Horse build, says Andrea Reed, equine lab services coordinator.

Formidable, the handsome son of Sky Mesa, was donated by Three Chimneys Farm last March to the university’s equine program, and was bred to Norma, a first-time mother.

The genetic mix of Formidable’s dark, handsome looks and attractive forelock combined beautifully with the fair-haired looks of the mother, producing Belle, one of the university’s prettiest January babies!

“She’s super cute!” Reed says. “She’s tall and narrow and has a large blaze like both her parents.”

The university’s equine studies program has a lot to learn from the gorgeous progeny, who may be enrolled in classes throughout her development. Beginning with a weanling class in the fall, little Belle would be taught to walk on a lead line, pick up her feet, and be handled. After that, there are classes for students who could benefit from Belle’s presence, throughout her development, Reed notes.

Congratulations to Norma, to the U of M, and Three Chimneys Farm!  All should be proud.

6 responses to “Stork delivers a Formidably cute filly”

  1. Partnership

    I have to say that I agree with GreenAcresWV on this. I have been watching, what I consider irresponsible breeding for several years now, and a college being party to this makes me angry. I sincerely hope that “cute” little Belle has a “after college” fund that will keep her safe.

  2. astralweeks23

    The name of the college escapes me at the moment, but I recall recently reading a story about a breeding program that ended up selling their overstock/used up horses to slaughter.. i’m sure a quick google would find out the name of the school. Still, cute baby.. I hope she has a good life. Same with her sire and dam.

  3. ann fox

    Here’s hoping they have a fund set up for her from now….so she can spend all the days of her life in the fashion she is now accustomed too. Pretty little thing!

  4. GreenAcresWV

    Call me cynical. I’m sorry, this story does not warm my heart, and why should any of the parties be proud?

    Other than observing a live cover (and the fact they have a TB stallion), what is the reason for the college to breed a TB to a QH mare for the sake of “education?”

    Every year, thousands of mares who are in foal go to slaughter. (Don’t be naive if you are sure this doesn’t happen!) PMU babies are dumped. For the price of meat, the school could have rescued a pregnant TB mare from a Michigan sale. The resulting baby would be just as useful in the program as the home-bred.

    This is another example of breeding horses just because you can. Three Chimneys “donated” Formidable because there was a financial advantage. At least the mare and baby will be safe for a while.

    1. Debra B.

      You are exactly right! This is a ridiculous breeding, totally irresponsible and unnecessary. There is such a thing as an internship where students can learn the same thing on a farm without creating unnecessary horses. Three Chimneys=fail on this “donation”.

  5. Serenity

    What a blessing! She will be quite handsome and dashing when she grows up!

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