Suffolk Downs partners with Citi Performing Arts

Suffolk DownsSuffolk Downs and Caesars Entertainment, who are working on a plan to turn the East Boston racetrack into a destination casino, have partnered with the Citi Performing Arts Center, according to a press release by Suffolk Downs.

They say, in a press released Dec. 19, that the arts center, which is comprised of the historic Wang, Shubert and Emerson Colonial theaters, will provide a major role in bringing entertainment and cultural activities to the future resort casino, should the proposed casino be developed.

Suffolk Downs has applied for a license from the Massachusetts Gaming Commission to construct and operate a world-class casino.

The collaboration would provide Citi Performing Arts Center exposure to the 40 million members of the Caesar’s Total Rewards program, offering the arts center access to cross promote events to a tremendously loyal consumer base, the press release stated.

“Through a cross promotion and cooperative booking of acts and shows, this partnership will help both organizations grow, providing broader entertainment choices, while expanding arts education and community programs for local youth and families,” stated Chip Tuttle, Suffolk Downs COO.

Josiah Spaulding, president and CEO of Citi Performing Arts Center, described the partnership as “historic.”

In a You Tube interview (see below), Spaulding says the partnership between all three iconic brands—Citi Performing Arts Center, Suffolk Downs, and Caesar’s— offers an innovative way to “drive an economic engine downtown” in the city of Boston, Mass.

Said Spaulding in the You Tube interview: “All three of these iconic brands have the same mission, which is to promote jobs, tourism, cultural activity, more product and a better city, and a better surrounding city.”

To see the complete interview with Spaulding, please see the video below.

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4 responses to “Suffolk Downs partners with Citi Performing Arts”

  1. Lisa Melone

    I’ve heard talk of the casino part of things. Maybe this would improve the racing at Suffolk? It will be interesting to see what the local population thinks of this, although it could help the economy. Casinos have mixed approvals it seems–it’s been voted down two or three times here in Maine, despite the poor economy.

  2. Stephanie Lambert

    I travel to New York to see Quality Horses races, I would love to go to Suffolk Downs to see the Grade 1 Grade 2 And Grade 3 races again as I just live 2 hours away and I am from Mass. I have watched horse racing book go up 6% last year but not in Boston where they are lucky to draw enough horses to run races….SOMETHING has to be done as this is a great sport and is being lost in a state where it once was King….

  3. Fran Jurga (@franjurga)

    That’s interesting, I had no idea! I hope Suffolk gets the nod for the casino instead of building one from scratch. But, of course, no one is asking the citizens what we think!

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