Bone chips: a Q&A with Dr. Lawrence Bramlage
Equine orthopedic surgeon Dr. Lawrence R. Bramlage, DVM, of Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital, discusses the treatment and diagnosis of bone chips in ex-racehorse Thoroughbreds. In the first of quarterly, health Q&As with the internationally renowned Kentucky veterinary practice, the award-winning surgeon, author of 66 referred articles and six book chapters, answers questions about the often highly treatable, common equine injury. Among his many accomplishments, Dr. Bramlage has been a major contributor to horse medicine and horse-welfare organizations. He has chaired the Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation, the largest equine research funding organization in the United States, and has worked as […]
Q&A with Laurie Metcalfe, DVM, Rood & Riddle
Laurie Metcalfe, DVM associate with Rood & Riddle, demystifies medical issues an ex-racehorse Thoroughbred may encounter when leaving track life, and offers insights on the growing awareness of OTTBs. Q: What is an osselet and how significant is it to the future career of an ex-racehorse? A: An “osselet” refers to the thickening/bony reaction that occurs at the joint capsule attachment of the fetlock, and usually results from trauma/wear and tear of racing. They represent strain and micro-tearing of this attachment of the fetlock/ankle joint to the cannon bone which, over time, creates firm, bony lumps. Acutely, these can be […]