Veterinary Q&A: Healthy weight, good teeth
Dr. Lori Dykeman, of private practice Paris Equine Services in Ontario, recently took time out of her busy schedule to offer insights and advice on achieving and maintaining overall good health in the horse. In a Q&A interview with, Dr. Dykeman offers on how to gauge whether a horse is at proper weight, and some guidelines for safely adjusting a horse’s diet. She also discusses the importance of good dental care, and ideas for achieving a holistic balance. We hope this interview will provide our readers with a greater understanding of horse health issues and how to become better […]
Q&A: Dr. Maloney explains ‘Kissing Spine’
Q: What are the symptoms of kissing spine?
The symptoms of kissing spine can be variable and are often misread by riders as behavioral issues. An obvious symptom is when the saddle is brought out the horse may show anxiety on the crossties (shifting his weight and moving his bowels often).
Rood & Riddle Q&A: Time for a diet
Hardworking athletes need a high-octane diet. Whether we’re talking about Rocky Balboa and his famed raw-egg diet in the movie Rocky, or a daring racehorse who needs extra grain to fuel that burst of speed down the racetrack, the premise is the same: hardworking bodies require a specialized diet. And when a racehorse is eased from track life and into a less taxing career or even a backyard farm, a critical part of that transition becomes diet. New owners of ex-racehorses often tweak the diet of their new companion, considering how to do it safely without sudden change that can […]