Clubhouse Q&A

A forum for discussing all the important things about Thoroughbreds, from fashion to equipment, recipes for you or your horse, and any innovation to help promote the breed.

New York Times award-winning journalist Joe Drape shares a moment with Triple Crown winner American Pharoah.

‘All the news’ on American Pharoah, new book

As soon as American Pharoah turned for home in the Belmont Stakes last year, it was clear to everybody in the press box that “nobody was getting him.” “It was electric,” recalls award-winning New York Times Reporter Joe Drape, who was there for the historic event. “Everyone was restrained at first, saying things like ‘Oh yeah, he’s got it.’ Then the thunder in the grandstand started—it was soul quaking. Then I saw people crying in the press box, and you do choke up a little knowing that you just saw something great, and it doesn’t come often. Not only did […]

Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation Herd Manager Sara Davenport transitioned from doing breed demonstrations and management for the Kentucky Horse Park to overseeing 900 Thoroughbred ex-racehorses.

Q&A: She helps keep 900 TRF horses happy

A herd of 156 Thoroughbreds spots Sara Davenport as she pulls up to the Oklahoma land where they roam across sprawling fields. On this particular day, the Rye grass is growing thick, and the watering ponds are nearly spilling over. And as the herd manager for the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation approaches, they gather and turn like a flock of birds, sensing no need for her assistance on this day. “These horses are so funny,” says Davenport. “If the grass had been getting a little thin, they’d see our trailers and coming running toward us because they know we’d be moving them […]

Dr. Reid McLellan is the man who took a little idea to teach grooms how to bandage racehorses, and helped grow it into a program benefitting prisoners in the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation's Second Chances program.

The man behind the plan to save horses, inmates

A racehorse trainer hitting the big time and inmates who are simply doing time, share a common bond that springs from a “little idea” fostered by Dr. Reid McLellan, many moons ago. McLellan, executive director and lead instructor of the Groom/Elite program— a horsemanship curriculum offered by the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation in five of nine prisoner/racehorse programs across the country— was rooted in the concept that lessons from horses can transform lives. “The one thing a horse wants more than anything is peace and harmony and to know they’re not going to get eaten in the next 15 seconds,” McLellan […]