Clubhouse Q&A

A forum for discussing all the important things about Thoroughbreds, from fashion to equipment, recipes for you or your horse, and any innovation to help promote the breed.

Lisa Molloy offers beauty tips for your T-bred

Lisa Molloy offers beauty tips for your T-bred

The Chestnuts sparkle brightly in the late-morning sun, and Grays pop from the page, their dappled coats glistening on a cloudy day. Nearly every scene captured of the fair-haired lady and the hundreds of Thoroughbreds her photos have helped sell, appear to be from Ralph Lauren or Horse and Hound. All carefully crafted with a few tricks of the trade. In this week’s Clubhouse Q&A, Lisa Molloy, a deeply seasoned Thoroughbred trainer who has worked for several re-homing organizations, and currently heads up ReRun, Inc. in Virginia, and also works with Akindale Thoroughbred Rescue, tells us her secrets for bringing out […]

West Coast trainer Vicki Zacharias has trained many of a difficult T-bred in her day. The key, she says, is consistency  in training and in correcting unwanted behavior.

Q&A: How to train fire-breathing T-breds

Some say Vicki Zacharias tames fire-breathing dragons. The self-taught equestrian who learned how to conduct herself on the backs of some pretty hot Thoroughbreds at the tender age of 12 says what she really does is train “children.” The proprietor of Rain Creek Farms in Oregon has seen not just a few break-through moments between difficult horse and frustrated rider, including the powerhouse duo Holiday Cat and Brayle McEllrath, a pair who worked through many bucking and kicking episodes before winning their armful of ribbons. (Please see an earlier story on Holiday Cat). In this week’s Clubhouse Q&A, Zacharias shares […]

Madeline Auerbach chairs the California Management Retirement Account (CARMA) and is vice chair of the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance. Here she poses with Thoroughbred Shem Tov.

Madeline Auerbach on the odyssey to help TBs

On track to provide $2 million in grants to Thoroughbred charities across America, doubling its initial contribution since beginning a landmark effort to provide a safety net to charities rehabilitating and re-homing ex-racehorses, the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance is on a grand mission that began, in part, with an innocent question. Madeline Auerbach, a well-known California racehorse owner simply wanted to know how to find a really good retirement home for her ex-racehorse Lenny From Malibu. “I was really unaware of the whole panoply of retirement, and I started to get my feet wet, and looking for a good home for […]