Photo of the Week

Full of Cuteness and Holly Harris look like they should be doing a commercial for DIRECTV. Photo by Elate Photography

Photo of the Week: They should be in pictures

No, this is not the famous duo of Hannah Davis and her talking white horse of DIRECTV television fame. In fact, Holly Harris of California, who is pictured with her gray OTTB Full of Cuteness, never even saw the commercial that might easily have been inspired by this beautiful shot. In this scene, Holly Harris poses with the mare she adopted from the California charity Neigh Savers last July. Noting that she worked to help her mare overcome “fear issues,” Davis says the photo was meant to evoke feelings of calm. “I think it is a good representation of the […]

Future Kings ribbons at his first show, months after being plucked from the slaughter pipeline.

Photo of the Week: Future Kings gets ribbons

Future Kings, an Irish bred gelding who sold for $200,000 in his prime, but who landed in the slaughter pipeline at age 15, ribboned at his first horse show last month. Ridden by Grace Clairmont at the Thoroughly Thoroughbred Horse Shows May 31, the beautiful bay won two jumps pleasure classes, reports his proud new owner, Marilyn Lee of Sherwood Farms, Ontario. No stranger to the joys of OTTBs, Sherwood is the owner of Prodigioso the Everglades Horse, a Thoroughbred dumped in the Everglades of Florida and left to the fates. (Please see Prodigioso’s story here). Buoyed by the success […]

Life Behind Barz was adopted from the Thoroughbred Retirement  Foundation at James River in 2011. Photo by Emma McKenney

Photo of the Week: Life Behind Barz

Life Behind Barz used to be a bad boy. He bit; he was difficult to ride; there were days his young rider was certain he was trying to kill her. “I told my mom he wasn’t a good boy and that we should take him back,” says Kaileigh Keller, 19, of Virginia. “We got him in 2009 from the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation at James River. My mother adopted him because he was pretty.” Instead of returning him, mother and daughter put their plans for him on the backburner for two years and rode their other horses. And gradually, over time, […]