Cash prizes to honor OTTBs at Hampton Classic
The Hampton Classic Horse Show has joined with the New York Racing Association (NYRA) in an effort to attract and honor Thoroughbred sport horses at its star-studded event this summer. On Aug. 28, a Thoroughbred incentive prize will be offered by NYRA during competition at one of the largest outdoor horse shows in the United States, doubling winnings earned by Thoroughbreds in Local Hunter divisions, the $10,000 Marders Local Hunter Derby, and the $30,000 Speed Challenge, according to Shanette Cohen, executive director of the Hampton Classic Horse Show and NYRA Vice President of Operations Martin Panza. “This seemed like a […]

Crippled kill pen horse has foal named Faith
A crippled and pregnant mare who was en route last winter to the slaughterhouse, before she was tracked down and rescued from a well-known meat buyer, gave birth last month to a perfect filly who’d taken that ominous ride with her. In the early morning hours of May 21, Open Zipper quietly tucked her disfigured legs under her round body, lowered herself into the straw piled high in the foaling stall, and issued forth a “textbook perfect filly” named Faith. “She was given the name by Kay O’Hanlon, who is fostering them at her farm in Goshen, N.Y.,” says Gerda […]

19 year old T-bred is Eventing rock star
Valentine, a poorly put together 19-year-old Thoroughbred with knee chips and early stage navicular, is blowing the socks off the competition in Preliminary cross-country throughout the Area 3 Eventing world. The unlikely sport horse, who once won a race under Jockey Club name R Motel, by “running in terror from the other horses” is never so happy as when he is plunging into water, and soaring over obstacles with his owner Kayla August. “His thing is Cross Country. He falls asleep before dressage and showing jumping. But put him in a start box and he goes wild,” she says. “At […]