60 horses come running when this man whistles
In the one gas station town of Depew, Okla., across from the local mini mart, a spectacular example of horse-human communication blasts off like a rocket. Sending up dust plumes in its wake, and leaving the uninitiated observer shaking his head with wonder, a herd of 60-plus Thoroughbreds, living the good life with the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation, spins, wheels and darts before galloping off as though summoned by the Mother Ship. And in seconds they’re gone. Thundering in unison across the 158-acre horsey Shangri-La of Rafter G Ranch, past beautiful ponds, and grassy fields, they meet up with the one […]

25-year-old OTTB shows at HITS, spunky
A 25-year-old OTTB who made a successful run at the Hampton Classic in his heyday, before downshifting to a lesson horse career at a Connecticut show barn, made an appearance at HITS Saugerties this week to carry his favorite advanced students over the jumps he loves to conquer. Showing no signs of stopping, and looking far younger than his age, Yudash traveled from Daffodil Hill farm in Woodbury, Conn., to HITS Saugerties, N.Y. to compete for the blue ribbons with all the verve he once displayed while taking home top honors in Long Island. “This is a very special horse,” […]

Joe Fargis student flies high on his OTTB
An unconventional Thoroughbred gelding and show jumping champion Joe Fargis are together teaching a young Virginia horseman the ropes in the competitive high amateur Jumpers. Grant Chungo, 21, and his 17.2-hand off-track Thoroughbred Ballinure have been taking lessons for years from the Olympian who rode his Thoroughbred mare Touch of Class to win the 1984 gold medal in individual jumping. And what Chungo has learned from his horse and at the foot of the riding star is that an ex-racehorse who spends a little too much time in the air, and perhaps not picture perfect in form, is in fact […]