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William, an inmate participating in the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation's Second Chances program for horses and inmates has found comfort working with Ollie. Photo by Officer Shane Clarke

Death-farm horse heals the hurt of an inmate

About a year after Ollie (JC: Oligopolist) was pulled off a Virginia farm with 80 other endangered and starving equines, the chestnut Thoroughbred ex-racehorse whose future was so uncertain then now brings comfort to a prisoner who relates to the animal’s struggle and triumph. “He’s been through a lot,” says James River Work Center inmate William (last name withheld), an avid participant in a horse/inmate program offered by the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation (TRF, Inc.). “He had a hard life; he got the wrong end of the stick, but he turned out to be an awesome horse.” Oligopolist Sire: Mutakddim Dam: […]