Maker’s Mark Sponsorship during the 2014 Keeneland Spring Meet with Wise Dan. Photo courtesy Rood & Riddle
LEXINGTON, Ky. – Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital has announced that an award honoring the remarkable Thoroughbred champion Wise Dan will be presented at Hats Off Day on July 30 at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington.
The Rood & Riddle Comeback Award is given to an equine athlete who overcame a major health complication and returned to elite competition.
“We are pleased to present the inaugural Rood & Riddle Comeback Award to Wise Dan. Wise Dan exemplifies the characteristics of an outstanding athlete who suffered a major health issue and returned to compete successfully,” said Tom Riddle, DVM.
Wise Dan, owned by Morton Fink and trained by Charlie LoPresti, was cared for throughout his career by Rood & Riddle veterinarians, primarily Larry Bramlage, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVS, who looked after his orthopedic needs, and Scott Hopper, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVS who performed colic surgery in 2014 (as previously reported).
“Wise Dan is a remarkable athlete and we are excited for him to receive this award. For him to recover from major surgery and come back to the level of competition he did and in such a short time is truly remarkable,” said LoPresti. “Rood & Riddle played a large part in Wise Dan’s success, specifically Drs. Bramlage and Hopper. We are thankful to the entire Rood & Riddle team.”
The Rood & Riddle Comeback Award trophy will be presented on the evening of July 30 at Hats Off Day, Kentucky’s day to celebrate the horse industry. The award presentation will be part of the opening ceremonies for the Rood & Riddle Kentucky Grand Prix. Prior to the trophy presentation, Wise Dan will make an appearance in the Rolex Stadium. Surgeons who previously provided care for Wise Dan, Drs. Larry Bramlage and Scott Hopper, will present the award to trainer Charlie Lopresti and farm manager Amy LoPresti.
So glad they helped such a wonderful horse like Wise Dab and it’s incredible he ran after both health issues. He’s such a warrior!!
Love me some Wise Dan!!!! xoxo, Mary in Boone
What a great award and what a great horse to receive the inaugural recognition. I certainly know how hard it is for a horse to come back from colic surgery and compete – we are very lucky! And both Chestnuts 🙂
Always glad to hear the success stories. Good to know our equine athletes can sustain a possible career ending injury or illness that requires surgery , and be able to go back to the same level of competition and be competive again.
We love our partners and only want the best.
Well done Rood and Riddle team.
“The Right doctors at the Right time.”