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Sea Lord and Silva Martin performThe harder the audience clapped, the higher he stepped.

Sea Lord rules as racehorse dressage star

The harder the audience clapped, the higher he stepped. Lofting his exceptionally long legs so high that each step seemed more animated, more look at me, than the one before, he danced with all his heart to a movie soundtrack from Secretariat. And Sea Lord was great that day. Not as a racehorse, he never raced. But in the hands of top-level dressage rider Silva Martin he was a virtuoso in the dressage ring performing a Freestyle that displayed their talent and connection, while reminding everyone who watched that this was no Warmblood. This was an ex-racehorse Thoroughbred who became a Grand Prix dressage horse! Outfitted […]

Jo-Jo was rescued by Jeanne Mirabito of Our Mims  Retirement Haven in appalling condition.

Veterinary Q&A: How to re-feed a starving T’bred

Through the years, Off-Track Thoroughbreds has chronicled stories of horses who survive against the odds. Often times, the horses are malnourished to the point of starvation, and so depleted they appear to be hopeless cases. And yet, they survive when even the brightest minds in veterinarian medicine caution owners to prepare for the worst. Thoroughbreds like Crowning Glory, who was rescued by the South Florida SPCA with a body condition of 1 on the Henneke Horse Body Score System, and Jo Jo Gypsy, who was rescued by Jeanne Mirabito, of Our Mims Retirement Haven in the same sorry condition, are […]

Craigslist horse Au Girl, a bay Thoroughbred mare, was victorious last month over the Warmbloods in a AA Chicago show.

Weekly Photo: Craigslist TB beats Warmbloods

Craigslist OTTB Au Girl beat the Warmbloods in the AA rated Showcase Spring Spectacular in Chicago June 20 under owner/rider Caitlyn Epperson. In a speed jumper class, the lovely bay mare had it all over the 26-horse field of Warmbloods and other breeds, says coach Trapp O’Neal, who notes that the team had a great day despite traveling 1,200 miles from Houston to Chicago to get there. Au Girl Barn name: Lulu Sire: Formal Gold Dam: San Miguel Queen Foal date: April 23, 2009“I think what made this victory special was that it was a class with a lot of […]