Q&A: What to look for when OTTB shopping
In a Q&A interview with Off-TrackThoroughbreds.com, Dr. Laurie Metcalfe, DVM associate with Rood & Riddle, discusses a range of issues and medical conditions commonly found in ex-racehorse Thoroughbreds, as well as tips on what to look for when watching a Thoroughbred jog. In this story, which was a favorite among readers, and first published in September 2010, Metcalfe answers questions about ailments, pre-purchase exams, and also offers her own personal testament to the OTTB. Q: What is an osselet and how significant is it to the future career of an ex-racehorse? An “osselet” refers to the thickening/bony reaction that occurs at […]

An extra $10 saves a horse from slaughter
What saved the delicate mare from the slaughterhouse 14 years ago was a combination of little things, really. First there was Kim Gatto’s ability to see past the Thoroughbred’s nicked, dull coat to envision her at her best; she saw a beauty beneath the shabby exterior of a horse who stood quietly with 30 others at the Pennsylvania auction house. “I could see that she was really pretty underneath,” Gatto recalls. “She was really petite and delicate.” And the next small thing— the money that would determine who purchased the horse—came down to the price of an inexpensive lunch. Ten […]

Photo of the week: Thankful for sugary treats
Kentucky based equine photographer Wendy Wooley of EquiSport Photos, fell in love with Canoodler (Broken Vow x Julies Love Letter) when they met on the track a few years ago. After sharing doughnuts with him, and drooling over him from afar, Wooley was finally able to purchase him last November. Wooley’s husband Matt captures the joy of the holiday season (and a shared love of sugary snacks) in this photo. Off-Track Thoroughbreds.com wishes readers and OTTB fans a joyous and peaceful Thanksgiving.