3 T-breds rescued from illegal butcher
Standing in a yard piled high with the entrails of slaughtered animals, three tattooed Thoroughbreds were among 10 rescued equines pulled from an illegal slaughterhouse on Oct. 6, and led to safety from a remote region of East Everglades Florida. Horses in various states of deterioration stood terrified in a field where a mountain of innards, enough to fill the beds of several pickups, were covered only with a rug. And where the sounds of slow death came as a butcher’s knife blade sliced the throat of cows and other animals, according to Laurie Waggoner, head of operations at the […]
She traded Warmblood for T-bred, instant karma
After agreeing to jump an out-of-shape Thoroughbred over fences for a sales video, a diehard Warmblood owner who’d previously sworn up and down she’d never own a Thoroughbred felt the tables turn in a flash of instant T-Bred karma. Suddenly Jennifer Carney knew, as the coppery horse carried her higher and higher over jumps larger and larger, that the beautiful horse she rode more naturally than her own was the one for her. “After we finished making the video I was sitting in the saddle and I joked, ‘Do you want to trade?’ And a couple days later my trainer […]
Ga. lady flies to Boston, takes 5 Suffolk T-breds
Certain that her Georgia riding academy didn’t need more horses, yet equally certain the T-breds on the backside of Suffolk Downs racetrack needed her, Beverly Bochetto of Blue Skies Riding Academy rocketed off to the defunct racetrack two weeks ago and took home five Thoroughbreds. As though conducting a tactical military maneuver, Beverly Bochetto and her barn manager A.J. Martin flew to Logan Airport on a Tuesday, and went straight to the backside. Working their cell phones like operatives, they connected with longtime Thoroughbred advocate and trainer Lorita Lindemann, who worked as a liaison between Bochetto and backside personnel. Not […]