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Donna Keen, president of Thoroughbred charity Remember Me Rescue, rides Bridleless Wyatt on the track. Photo by Maggie Kimmitt

Bridleless Wyatt is a racetrack wonder

No matter how famous the racehorse or esteemed the racecourse, when the pretty bridleless gelding of unknown origin steps onto the track, he steals the show. That’s right, Wyatt the white gelding, ridden without bridle by Thoroughbred racehorse owner and rescuer Donna Keen, even stops to pose for pictures, just like the big stars. And in the universe of the social media world, where fans follow him, he is a star. Rescued from a kill buyer when he was 2, and taught to go bridleless, even while working alongside frisky racehorses, Wyatt is a wonder wherever he goes. In this […]