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Tri comes to the fence every morning and night to "sing" to the woman who agreed to give him a pasture and love in exchange for nothing.

Gimp feedlot TB who raced 78 times now ‘sings’

He gave and they took. And for too many years, that was the life for Tri Tower’s, an unremarkable little horse with a body weakened from racing, but a heart strong enough to love his people. By the time he retired in 2003, the unremarkable looking racehorse had ankles the size of large naval oranges, and a body and spirit so worn and tired he was incapable of fending off the herd for a simple bite of the hay bale. “Tri was always at the bottom of the pecking order,” says Beth Kokoruda, a Maryland-based equestrian who runs a retirement […]

Rick Violette Jr., far right, accompanies Gotham winner Samraat. Violette is the driving force behind a three-year old show series for OTTBs. Adam Coglianese Photo

USHJA rule lauded as boon to TB sport horses

A rules change enacted by the United States Hunter/Jumper Association (USHJA) in January, which officially recognize Thoroughbred-only hunter/jumper divisions at horse shows, is expected to buoy the robust TAKE2  Thoroughbred Show program, and help elevate the popularity of the breed. Rick Violette, Jr., president of TAKE2 Second Career Thoroughbred Program, Inc., and executive director Andrea Belfiore agree that the January decision is good news for Thoroughbreds in general, and specifically, the TAKE2 show program, which they began three years ago. In January, with the stated intent to “integrate Thoroughbreds back into the show ring and provide an avenue for them to […]

Walker, 73, completed her first three phase on Sip and See last month.

73-year-old recaptures glory riding a T’bred

In her glory days, Arrington Walker worked among the stars of horse sport. An assistant competition manager for equestrian sport at the 1996 Olympic games in Atlanta, she saw the very best athletes strive for the fabled five rings at the pinnacle of their careers. But now, at age 73, the soft-spoken South Carolina grandmother is doing something even more exciting. She is doing what those in the Thoroughbred world refer to as myth busting. To the amazement, and mild concern of friends, family and coaches, Walker bought herself an off-track Thoroughbred two years ago, practically pulled the old mare […]