26 trainers selected for TB Makeover event
Steuart Pittman, president and founder of the Retired Racehorse Training Project issued the following press release: The Board of Directors of the Retired Racehorse Training Project announced today its selection of the 26 horse trainers who will participate in the RRTP Thoroughbred Makeover. Each trainer will chronicle online the training of a Thoroughbred that has raced but had no training for a second career. All will appear at Pimlico Racecourse in Baltimore, Maryland on the first weekend of October to show what the horses have learned. The event is called the Thoroughbred Makeover and National Symposium and will include seminars, demonstrations, […]

Q&A: Dawn Mellen offers tips on horse grants
Every year, Dawn Mellen throws her good business sense and her charitable heart into helping Thoroughbred horse charities make financial ends meet. Through her nonprofit funding charity After the Finish Line, which grows stronger with increasing donations from within the racing world, Mellen seeks to help charities help themselves. Her job is to help certified 501 (c) 3 Thoroughbred charities meet both their expected and unexpected expenses. In this week’s Clubhouse Q&A, she explains the two funding mechanisms available through After the Finish Line to certified horse charities, and offers advice on avoiding some common pitfalls in the application process. […]