Emerald Downs launches OTTB initiative
Striving to “take down the barrier” between backstretch horsemen and the horse-buying public, Emerald Downs recently announced three new initiatives designed to help transition ex-racehorses into new homes. Sophia McKee, director of marketing for the Washington racetrack, says the track is working earnestly on plans for a Thoroughbred Showcase, a horseshow, and a Trainer Challenge in order to spark interest among Thoroughbred lovers, and to encourage other racetracks to follow their lead. “I’d like to put together a program that could be adopted by every racetrack in the country,” McKee says. “One thing about the people at Emerald Downs is […]

A racehorse brings joy to a disabled child
Author’s note: This story was originally published on July 20, 2012. Timmy Summer’s frail arm rose slightly away from his wheelchair, as he willed it toward the giant animal. A moment later, his small hand rested against the soft spot just underneath the bay gelding’s muzzle. Yielding to the little boy’s touch, and his own apparent desire to draw even closer to the child, the Thoroughbred leaned hard against the stall door that separated them, stretching forward, getting closer. To the amazement of the child’s mother and to others in the barn, ex-racehorse Dick G, who battled it out on the hard […]

Q&A: Camelot photographer Sarah K. Andrew
Author’s note: This story was originally published in June 2012. Before she enters the presence of a horse at the Camelot auction house, photographer Sarah K. Andrew approaches with the same respect she would show a world-class Olympic Sporthorse, or a winning racehorse. To her, the meekest creatures who wind up at auction, and possibly the slaughter pipeline, are just as noble as the loftiest competitors; and, if by taking their picture, she can help tell their story, and change their fates, her volunteer photography will have paid off. In this week’s Clubhouse Q&A, the professional photographer who has volunteered to […]