Awaiting word on possible Kissing Spine cure
Five weeks after undergoing pioneering surgery for Kissing Spine, the dappled gray ex-racehorse upon whom so many hopes for a cure now rest appears to be moving through her paces without pain. Radiographs due to be taken next week will confirm whether the procedure worked. Heartly Smart is due to have a series of X-rays along the areas of her spine, once pinched uncomfortably by both overlapping and touching points. On Feb. 18, Dr. Christy Cable, DVM, DACVS, performed the minor surgery on Heartly Smart, after studying the technique first performed in England on 35 horses diagnosed with Kissing Spine. […]

Too broken to fix, Mascot is permanently retired
Melissa Rudershausen, owner of Double Rock Thoroughbred Rescue, announced this week that Mascot, the top-earning racehorse she discovered at New Holland Auction last year, thin and terrified, has been permanently retired. After every attempt was made to restore the ex-racehorse, who earned $240,000 in racing victories, before winding up at auction, a stifle injury ultimately prevented a future for him as a sound riding horse, says Rudershausen. “Mascot’s retirement was a hard decision,” she says. “But it was definitely best for him. As a racehorse, he had a long, strenuous career, and he was basically run into the ground.” The […]

Rachel Alexandra released from hospital
Ater two surgeries and a month-long stay at Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital,the 2009 Horse of the Year, Rachel Alexandra, was released from the hospital yesterday. Here is a press release from Rood & Riddle announcing the great news: Rachel Alexandra is home at Stonestreet today, beginning the next stage of her remarkable recuperation following abdominal surgery in mid-February. Stonestreet employees decorated her stall with cards from fans as they awaited her arrival; a get-well banner from Fair Grounds Racecourse stretched across the barn, ready to welcome the hard-fighting champion home. “Having Rachel home is a milestone in her recovery,” […]