A TB ‘creampuff’ turns Warmbloods to jelly
The bell clanged insistently, the metal starting gate snapped open, and all at once out rushed a field of hard-driving Thoroughbreds accompanied by one persnickety “creampuff” of a horse. As the pack made its way along the Monmouth Park race course, a pretty bay named Mommie’s Luke, the creampuff in question, moved in beautiful balance; and though he had no shot at hitting the board that day, at least one onlooker beheld his future. “There’s a children’s hunter for you!” exclaimed a friend of the racehorse’s owners. Linda McBurney, owner of the beautiful creature who used to stamp, paw, and […]

Capt. Jack enchants children’s book author
For Nuala Galbari, a 58-year-old children’s book author life with her willowy, sweet-tempered racehorse has been like a walk in the park. Although often advised to look for a sturdier mount, she listened to her heart and in November 2011 took a chance on an off-track Thoroughbred named Captain Jack Sparrow, who raced under the name Well Ack Ack. OffTrackThoroughbreds.com featured the pair in a story back in April 2012 and recently caught up with Galbari to learn their progress. Galbari reports having a “wonderful year” with Capt. Jack. A spring spent taking light local trail rides on a 12-acre […]

Clubhouse Q&A: What’s Alex Brown doing now?
Since Alex Brown burst onto the Blogosphere with immediate coverage of Barbaro’s struggle to survive his 2006 breakdown at the Preakness Stakes, followed by a leave-no-stone-unturned tribute to the fallen animal in Greatness and Goodness: Barbaro and his Legacy, Alex Brown has continued as a thought leader in social media and horse welfare. In this week’s Clubhouse Q&A, Brown describes his return to the classroom, teaching a new generation of social-media wizards, and his return to exercising racehorses at Fair Hill. Q: Alex, since writing and publishing Greatness and Goodness: Barbaro and his Legacy, you’ve returned to the classroom to […]