OTTBs in the limelight over the weekend
Rachel Alexandra stronger Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital and Stonetreet Farms announced over the weekend that 2009 Horse of the Year Rachel Alexandra is continuing to make steady progress as she recovers from abdominal surgery stemming from foaling. According to a press release, her appetite has improved to the point that she was removed from IV fluids and nutrition on Saturday. Attending veterinarians Drs. Brett Woodie and Bonnie Barr caution that the beloved racehorse still has “hurdles yet to overcome,” but add that they are pleased with her progress. “I couldn’t be happier with where she is right now,” Woodie […]

Papiese family builds barn for Texas rescue
The decision by Midwest Thoroughbreds owners Richard and Karen Papiese to build a 20-stall, state-of-the-art barn for a horse rescue in Texas, which is run by a woman they did not know, arose from two simultaneous emergencies with colic. On the same late July evening that the 2011 Eclipse Award finalists for Outstanding Owners were racing to save one of their own, sparing no expense for surgery for their sickly racehorse, a small but valiant nonprofit called Remember Me Rescue of Texas, was making the sad decision to euthanize a hard-luck broodmare they’d only just rescued from the slaughter pipeline. With […]

Thoroughbred events in PA and KY this month
100 Day Thoroughbred Challenge at PA Expo Thoroughbreds undergoing intensive re-training through Steuart Pittman’s 100 Day Thoroughbred Challenge will demonstrate their metamorphosis from racehorse to show horse at the Pennsylvania Horse World Expo in Harrisburg Feb. 23. Beginning at 2 p.m., horses who have undergone 11 weeks of re-training will demonstrate their prowess in a variety of sport-horse disciplines, Pittman states in a press release. Their performances will be judged by a panel of experts, and by the voting public, who may log on to the Retired Racehorse Training Project website to vote. Online votes will be tallied and combined […]