Laid off marketing exec adopts her 1st OTTB
For years, Linda Moss had been fascinated with the racehorse named Milyone. While nowhere close to being a household name, to Moss, the chestnut gelding known for great speed, not stamina, was the one she avidly followed. “He’s one in a mily-own,” she quips. Enthusiastically reading stories about the racehorse’s progress on the track, and even watching one of his workouts once at Santa Anita Park, she had followed his progress the way a high-tech marketing professional such as herself might follow the trends in her business. “This was always a very special horse. His first trainer was John Shirrreffs, […]

Woodbine jock: I’d take them all if I could
Author’s note: This story was originally published on Dec. 28, 2010. Emma-Jayne Wilson hardly looks like a softie. The 29-year-old jockey, wiry strong and pound-for-pound powerful, appears deeply focused and unfazed by the rush of horses and riders around her. But during her six years as professional jockey at Woodbine in Canada, Wilson admits she has been so deeply moved by two Thoroughbreds in particular that when their careers ended, she personally took them in. “I have a connection with them,” she says. “They just pull on your heartstrings.” Belle Gully, now known as Gus, is a stocky chestnut who was a “champ […]

Clubhouse Q&A with photog Amy Dragoo
It was a dislike of her organic chemistry courses in college that prompted Amy Katherine Dragoo to turn in a different direction, and take a chance with the camera, eventually leading her to pursue the type of photography career which only horse-lovers dream of. The longtime equine photographer states in her website AK Dragoo Photography that her failures in the sciences, but successes in a chance photography class, convinced her early on that she would “never be destined for an office job.” “I have always thrived on a short deadline,” she states. “Journalism was an obvious choice.” After 20 years spent […]