Ottawa teacher saves horse, founds rescue
There have been few things in Chelsea Burton’s life worth putting everything on the line. That is, until last December, when the Ottawa elementary school teacher stumbled upon a picture on Facebook. In it, she saw a shaggy, bay Thoroughbred so depleted of spirit that Burton became haunted by the image of the sad eyes belonging to a dejected animal no one wanted. “When I saw her, I just got this feeling in my gut,” Burton says. “I couldn’t leave her there.” She tried to convince friends to take the mare. With three horses of her own, which she was […]

Injured racehorse is her dream come true
Susie Harris grasped tightly to the lead rope connecting her to the injured racehorse, a gentle animal who was the physical embodiment of what she had always wanted. Hardly daring to believe, Harris heard the words: “Take him. He’s yours.” “That was three years ago,” Harris says. “Today, I’m 51, and I can say that dreams really do come true.” The California-based horse fanatic grew up riding other peoples’ horses, but long ago, financial realities imposed, and made her give up the childhood dream to own her own. Her life proceeded along happily enough. She went to college and studied […]

Donna Brothers: Derby’s daring sportscaster
Dirt stung her face and bounced off her goggles like gravel on a windshield from a speeding truck. She flinched, and crouched lower in the saddle. Beneath her, the striving, rushing Thoroughbred waited for a signal: where did she want him to go? They’d rocketed from the gait and had surged only a few paces when, in her peripheral vision, a solid wall of galloping horses squeezed from the right toward the rail; and, horses to her left struggled to hold their position. In the thick of her first race, the petite, 21-year-old “girl jockey” had mere seconds to make […]