On a white racehorse, she rode to the top
With quiet confidence, Lauren Lambert approached the silvery-white puff of a horse. The skilled equestrian had learned at the foot of her mother, Martha, a master rider whose own career had taken her all the way to the Rolex competition fields. So, Lambert figured that hopping on the new, white ex-racehorse would be a walk in the park on a lazy afternoon. She figured wrong. As she pulled Baba Creek out of his stall to saddle him up, a chill enlivened the Kentucky air, reminding Lambert, and her friends who’d come to join her on a trail ride, that winter […]

Joe Drape: ‘They’re pure, magnificent creatures’
Joe Drape’s name, of late, has been synonymous with unsettling news coming out of the American horse racing industry. In two recent front-page articles in the New York Times, Drape has coauthored stories describing horse deaths, incidents of race-day drugging, and a lack of effective oversight in the Sport of Kings. In a Q&A with OffTrackThoroughbreds.com, the award-winning New York Times sportswriter answers questions about his ongoing series, and offers his opinion on how horse racing, a sport he has loved since he was a kid growing up in the Midwest, might be improved. A race writer for some 15 […]

Clubhouse Q&A: From spurs to Spursuader
Linda Hauck of Ontario has had a deep passion for Eventing and Thoroughbreds throughout a stellar equestrian profession, which included an Advanced level competition career in the 1990s. Today she works as both a Level 2 equine coach and technical delegate in Canada, and has a career re-training ex-racehorse Thoroughbreds in their second careers. Throughout her rewarding life with horses however, there has always been one issue that has nagged her. Traditional spurs, thought to be such wonderful aids for teaching, often proved aggravating to horses, who might kick, pin their ears, and otherwise overreact to a poke in the […]