Flying Cayman: Natural born barrel-racer
Nikki Egyed was in a hurry, had somewhere else to be, and didn’t have time to dawdle with her ex-racehorse Flying Cayman. Ordinarily, Egyed lavished Cayman with treats and rewards for good behavior in the lesson ring. It was the same ritual every time: he was given treats in a manner that encouraged him to stretch his neck, and relax his muscles, after which came Caymen’s big payoff: the roll. Following the same routine, he would walk beside his owner, without a lead rope, to a sandy, soft arena just perfect for sinking into. He’d barely cross into the ring […]

Q&A: Her photos at Camelot help save horses
Before she enters the presence of a horse at the Camelot auction house, photographer Sarah K. Andrew approaches with the same respect she would show a world-class Olympic Sporthorse, or a winning racehorse. To her, the meekest creatures who wind up at auction, and possibly the slaughter pipeline, are just as noble as the loftiest competitors; and, if by taking their picture, she can help tell their story, and change their fates, her volunteer photography will have paid off. In this week’s Clubhouse Q&A, the professional photographer who has volunteered to take the pictures of over 3,000, so far, and […]

Old Friends welcomes Rapid Redux, land deal
A year after surviving a financial crisis that threatened the existence of Old Friends Kentucky, the Thoroughbred retirement facility has come roaring back, stronger than ever. In the coming weeks, Old Friends is expected to sign a lease agreement on a 250-acre property in Kentucky, a windfall that will provide the growing horse charity with six additional barns, a veterinarian facility and exercise area—all for a dollar a year. “I don’t want to jinx it by saying much more,” says Old Friends founder and president Michael Blowen. “But, we expect to lease a minimum of 250 acres for something like […]