Saved twice, Sarah Says Go makes it home
Author’s note: This week, I am re-running some earlier stories, which were favorites among readers. Off-TrackThoroughbreds will resume its regular publication cycle on Monday, Sept. 24, 2012. After nine years of searching for the special race mare who could always be counted on to win for her, Anne Buxton found Sarah Says Go at the end of the line: the Camelot feedlot in New Jersey. Over the summer, Buxton stumbled across some information on Camelot’s website indicating a horse by the same name had been there, but had been purchased by a new owner. But any relief she felt was […]

Metro: A Dynaformer son who towers, teaches
Growing up riding her mother’s delicate-looking Arabian horses, the towering, grumpy- faced son of Dynaformer presented a bit of culture shock to Sarah Noll, upon first meeting. Nothing like the equine eye candy that pranced around her mother’s Cincinnati farm, Metro, was big and rangy; he was a plain bay with a bad reputation. “I was told that he liked to bite and kick,” Noll says. “I was prepared not to consider him, because there’s a lot of little kids at my barn, and I couldn’t have a horse like that around children.” And yet, she agreed to sit on […]

Clubhouse Q&A: ‘I’m a Thoroughbred liaison’
Long before Lezlie Wolff became what she calls a “Thoroughbred liaison” —writing articles for an industry magazine and helping to attract a new crop of race fans through the Emerald Downs New Comer’s Center—Ms. Wolff was mucking stalls at a Washington racecourse. The up-close perspective provided by that job at Longacres Racecourse, combined with her family background as racehorse owners, helped get Wolff moving toward a career in that world and a calling to raise awareness on behalf of the Thoroughbred. In this week’s Clubhouse Q&A, Wolff talks about her work to attract new fans to the game, and to […]