Q&A: Dr. Ahlschwede on winterizing your horse
There’s a nip in the air at night and blankets have been pulled from storage at horse farms, as leaves and temperatures are dropping. So when the horses get fuzzy, and the grazing gets thin, what can we do to ensure that our favorite ones make a smooth transition into the chillier months? In this week’s Veterinary Answers Q&A., Dr. Scott Ahlschwede, DVM, Partner at Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital of Kentucky, speaks to these issues. Q: How does seasonal or unseasonable weather change affect the health and dietary routine of a horse? Luckily horses are naturally well adapted to […]

A farm for the injured, unwanted racehorses
The barn doors of Royal Star Ranch in Orange, Calif. are thrown open lovingly for horses nobody else wants. Some limping on slab fractures or broken ankles, others abandoned along the side of the road, or vanned off racetracks with injuries, find here they are welcomed like returning warriors from battle. About 80 all together, have found shelter at Jenny Earhart’s farm. And they thrive. Many even finding new, adoptive homes where they now enjoy a life few could have imagined for them when the chips were down. “There’s got to be an outlet for the horses nobody believes in,” […]

Stakes winner Billy Gilman wins PA National
Stakes winner Billy Gilman and his 11-year-old rider took the Pennsylvania National Horse Show by storm last week. The big, bay champ who won the Danzig Stakes in 2003, and earned a total of $181,471 in his racing career, calmly packed about the large stadium, taking young rider Kelsey Roland on a blue ribbon ride. Gilman rode Billy in the team hunt division representing River Hills Foxhounds with teammates Kelly Conner, the riding coach and owner of Billy, and fellow young equestrian Ella Brophy. Witnessing the champion ex-racehorse carefully carry his tiny rider around the ring, following second in a […]