Three-time Secretariat Center reject finds home
Fly Lite was adopted three times, and rejected three times. Her personality, it would turn out, was not for the faint of heart. Yet, the same hot spirit and hard-to-ride ways that sent her back to the Maker’s Mark Secretariat Center time after time, tugged at Melissa DeCarlo Recknor. And so it was that the fourth time was the charm for the former racing mare. “I don’t know exactly why I liked her so much, but I decided to take a chance,” Recknor says. She was working as an adoptions coordinator at the time, when she struck a win-win deal […]

Help, good homes arrive for doomed mares
A respiratory therapist from Texas stepped forward last week to offer a permanent home to three of nine broodmares rescued earlier this month from a Texas auction that sells horses to kill buyers. Carrie Barthen, a nurse and owner of Twin Oaks Ranch in Weatherford, felt compelled to help when she learned earlier this month that broodmares, reportedly belonging to the prominent Asmussen racing family, had been saved from the possibility of death in a slaughterhouse. Their fates changed on a dime. A quickly executed plan to get the horses to safety was carried out by Thoroughbred advocates Deborah Jones […]

OTTB’s pals see past facial hole, just love him
At Brigitta Bogen’s Texas farm, looks and disabilities don’t matter so much. Never was that single fact as clear as on a February day this year when a funny looking ex-racehorse came to live on her farm. Hammersmith was just settling into his large stall with Dutch doors, when a group of excited youngsters burst excitedly into the barn, wanting to get a look at the new guy. From over the top of his stall door, he peered at them face on, revealing, as if he’d been the poor loser in a fight, a one-inch hole beneath his right eye, […]