A good gallop in England leads to t’bred eventer
On an equestrian vacation with friends in the summer of 2006, Megan Martin raced across the English country like National Velvet on Pie, galloping towards jumps that might have terrified her back home. Far from the confines of her hunter/jumper circuit she did not worry about the position of her hands, or her position in the saddle. She did not worry at all. She just rode, really rode! “I absolutely loved to be running toward the jumps and going over them. I had so much adrenalin going through me, and instead of worrying about details of riding— like leaning in […]
After breakdown, Money Makes Money excels
The day that Money Makes Money broke down at Gulfstream Park and was taken away by ambulance turns out to be the very last time he would set a wrong foot on career path taking him from racing to Hunter/Jumper and Cowboy Challenge circuits. Kit, as he is now called, emerged from a nine-month layup from a severely bowed tendon as one of the most sure-footed creatures to navigate teeter-bridges and other cowboy-challenge obstacles, and as a careful and beautiful jumper in the show ring. “When Kit broke down the last day of the meet, I figured I’d take him. […]
Ailing ex-racehorse survives, finds ‘silver lining’
Margaret Kennedy has been in the horse business long enough to know that when it comes to a Thoroughbred’s future, it doesn’t matter what famous forbearers light up a racehorse’s family tree. If a horse can’t win, and can’t breed either, they are no different than any other failed racehorse who has no safe harbor, or no secure home waiting. This was the case with a little mare named Lazaria, an untalented racehorse and luckless broodmare, who boasted a lineage right out of the Who’s Who in horseracing. The granddaughter of Seattle Slew was descended from greats such as Bold […]