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Ex-racer loves going bareback, learning to bow

Elite Wildcat is just a mellow guy. This was true the day he arrived at his new home last August to an eager 15-year-old determined to hop on him bareback. And it’s true today, whether he’s performing bows, accepting face hugs, or learning to be a hunter/jumper. Although the racehorse who left Colonial Downs Race Track in Virginia three months before his adoption was described as “laid back,” it wasn’t until he walked off the trailer at Lisa Siegel’s Virginia home, and into her daughter Ashley’s waiting arms, that they really believed it. “I was pretty leery of getting a […]

Shocked by horse slaughter, she ‘saves just one’

Cathy Ann Savino-Kedzierski of Milford, Mass. isn’t squeamish. After all, she loves to hunt quail and pheasant accompanied by her German shorthair pointers. But in spite of the animal lover that she is, she still never had much sympathy for “extreme” animal-rights organizations. Four years ago however, after watching a video of horses, still conscious, being brutally put down, she had her eyes opened to the horse slaughter issue. And that awareness grew to a passion to do something, anything to help. She started volunteering for horse adoption nonprofit CANTER New England, and a short time later purchased her own […]