Photo of the week: Ahoy mateys!
When he isn’t hopping small jumps and presenting brag-worthy extended trots, Capt. Jack (JC: Well Ack Ack) is hamming it up with children’s book author and owner Nuala Calbari. In this photo, taken last year during a Memorial Day celebration at Kentucky Farms in Yorktown, Va., Capt. Jack shows off a crisp navy saddle pad while Calbari, left, and fellow equestrian Antonia Guardarrama don 17th-Century Tricorn Hats. “We decided to dress as pirates,” says Calbari, noting the chapeaus were suitably feathered in red, white and blue in honor of the holiday and combined military forces. When they’re not parading around, […]

Photo of the Week: Spa days make him smile
Milyone, a Kentucky bred great-great grandson of Majestic Prince who was once trained by Kentucky Derby winning trainer John Shirreffs, is cared for as though he’s still one of racing’s contenders. The cherished pet of California owner Linda Moss, the red gelding enjoys a session with Dr. Michael H. Rubin. In this photo, Dr. Rubin is giving Milyone pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, which is the last step in a 4-Step treatment (after assessment of problem areas) designed to ease the aches and tensions in the neck and back, says Moss. The first three steps are orthopedic joint release, arthrostim myofascial release and […]

Photo of the week: Thankful for sugary treats
Kentucky based equine photographer Wendy Wooley of EquiSport Photos, fell in love with Canoodler (Broken Vow x Julies Love Letter) when they met on the track a few years ago. After sharing doughnuts with him, and drooling over him from afar, Wooley was finally able to purchase him last November. Wooley’s husband Matt captures the joy of the holiday season (and a shared love of sugary snacks) in this photo. Off-Track Thoroughbreds.com wishes readers and OTTB fans a joyous and peaceful Thanksgiving.