Q&A: Jimmy Bell sounds off on OTTB aftercare
For the past two years, Jimmy Bell has been the President of the Board of Directors of the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance, the non-profit organization which accredits, inspects and awards grants to approved aftercare organizations. As his two-year term comes to an end, he sat down with the TDN’s Sue Finley to talk about what he’s learned, and where the industry needs to be in terms of aftercare. SF: Why did you agree to take this on? JB: Before the TAA, I think I was a typical person in the industry regarding my thoughts on aftercare, and I think my path represents […]
TRF raises $200K for 900 thoroughbreds
The Foods of Anne Burrell, a fundraising gala for the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation in Saratoga Springs Sunday night, raised over $200,000 for the charity which places retired racehorses in second careers and in pioneering programs at correctional facilities in nine states. The evening’s highlight–-other than the outstanding food prepared by Burrell, a chef made famous by the Food Network–-was an auction of stallion seasons and unique experiences. The auction was topped by a winning bid of $37,000 by Bob Masterson for a 2016 no-guarantee season (with right of breedback in 2017) to Lookin at Lucky, the leading second-crop sire, donated […]