TB Racing Integrity Act introduced today
Congressman Andy Barr (R-KY) and Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY), the co-chairmen of the Congressional Horse Caucus, today introduced the bipartisan Thoroughbred Horseracing Integrity Act of 2015. Under existing law, the American thoroughbred horseracing industry labors under a diverse patchwork of conflicting and inconsistent rules governing medication policies and practices across 38 different racing jurisdictions. This lack of uniformity in the rules of horseracing has impaired interstate commerce and undermined public confidence in the sport. By establishing an independent, nongovernmental anti-doping authority charged with the responsibility of implementing a national uniform medication program with input from the thoroughbred industry, the Thoroughbred […]

Matchmaking for horses with Facebook
The ubiquitous nature of Facebook, so effective in uniting people along common ground, hobbies, and passions recently took the legwork out of search for a dream horse. No sooner had Carleigh Fedorka posted a description of the type of horse she sought on a Facebook page, then the offers came rolling in. Including, it turns out, the perfecting Eventing prospect she sought. Fedorka told Jen Roytz of the Paulick Report’s OTTB Showcase, that everything fell into place very quickly. Shortly after reading a Facebook message from Jak Knelman of Paris, Ky., promising that he had the horse she was looking […]

Tracing T-bred bloodlines for ideal sport horses
Oh those Thoroughbred bloodlines! Long studied by breeders and racehorse owners hoping to create the perfect marriage between speed and distance, stamina and competitiveness, those same ancestral roots are also consulted by sport-horse owners searching for clues beyond a Thoroughbred’s conformation and way of going. International Eventing champion Denny Emerson reveals that his ideal Eventing Thoroughbred is a “Belmont Stakes horse from the 1950s: 16.2 hands with a long neck, big shoulder, strong forearm and gaskin, and an uphill build—all qualities that help a horse push himself into the air as a jumper,” according to Natalie Voss of the Paulick […]