Nancy Perry, senior vice president of government relations of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals beams with her new OTTB, Atticus
Long before Nancy Perry assumed the helm of a powerful position at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), she was a horse-crazy kid riding around the California show circuit on her off-track Thoroughbred.
She owned that horse until he died at age 26, and cherished his memory as she went on with her life.
Eventually she became the senior vice president of government relations at the ASPCA, a role that would find her lobbying hard in Washington against horse slaughter. And as she worked, her childhood love of Thoroughbreds was rekindled so intensely that as she neared her 50th birthday, Perry did something she never thought she would: She got a horse for Christmas!
“I’ve been working for many years on the horse-slaughter issue, at the state and federal level, and I’ve lobbied on that issue for many years,” Perry says. “And over time, it started seeping back into my consciousness that I really missed having a horse in my life.”
Brush On By
New name: Atticus
Sire: Artax
Dam: Special Brush
Foal date: April 15, 2004
Earnings: $243,967 in 70 startsSo with her husband’s urging, she sought the assistance of Bev Strauss of MidAtlantic Horse Rescue in locating a Thoroughbred for her, and on Dec. 17th, Perry adopted Atticus (Jockey Club: Brush On By), a successful racehorse who was retired immediately after his owner and trainer Marcia Wolfe discovered he had soreness in his suspensory.
That decision, Perry notes, is laudable, not only because it afforded her the opportunity to fulfill her dream to own a horse again, but most importantly, because it gave Atticus a chance at a second career. “This trainer stopped him before he got hurt, which is great,” Perry says, noting, “I wish more trainers would do this.”
And what a trusting, elegant and dignified racehorse he is.
Despite a long career in racing, the imposing looking dark bay has remained so trusting of humans, almost doglike, that the second time Perry met him, he didn’t bother to stand up from his comfy position lying flat in his field.
“Somehow he had managed to get his blanket off, and he was in the field napping when I walked right up to him,” she says. “He stayed on the ground, he was so trusting, and I thought he was more like a big dog than a horse.”
Seeing this side to him, after already being dazzled by his bold looks “wedged open her heart” as she realized he was both beautiful and kind.
“I spent two hours in his stall with him, brushing him and getting a feel for him. He’s gentle and sweet, but he has dignity and a spark,” she adds. “Any horse who could race until he’s 9 and retain that much of a sense of self is very special.”
And when she rode him, he listened to her aids, and felt like the perfect fit.
Though his trot is prancy, even choppy, he fit her perfectly. And he tried so hard, even if he didn’t understand, sometimes, exactly what she wanted, Perry adds.
Once the decision was made to adopt him, Perry and her husband left their house at 4:30 a.m. to get him ready for the ride from Strauss’s facility to his new barn.
“I wanted to wrap his legs —I hadn’t wrapped a horse in 20 years— and brush him so that when he showed up at his new barn, he presented well,” she says, explaining that it was important to her that other boarders, who own different breeds, see the elegance of an ex-racehorse.
And he did not disappoint!
“When he stepped off the van, he looked awesome, stunning,” she says. “He just walked into his stall and settled right in.”
And later in the field, as he was introduced to the herd, he mingled well with all the horses, from the meekest to the Alpha ones. And he made a friend of another OTTB. “This other ex-racehorse walked right up to him, ears forward, they sniffed each other and they were side-by-side after that,” she says.
On Christmas morning, Perry and her husband plan to drive to the farm with apples and carrots for their new off-track Thoroughbred, enjoying their new friend, and feeling good that another ex-racehorse has landed softly in this world.
“Taking Atticus meant that Bev could go right out and take in another horse,” she says. “This has been the best Christmas ever for us!”
I got my latest OTTB at 50. He is bay and loves to be with people, has a sense of humor and snuffles the barn cats that visit him. He has managed to undress a pasture mate without damaging the blanket or unbuckling the buckles. Another fine addition to my all OTTB stable.
He sounds wonderful, and quite a talent with those buckles!
I am curious how he does it. He did it again today.
I also adopted an OTTB from Bev Straus at MAHR this past week. He joins my other OTTB that was also rescued from a kill pen. Bev was wonderful to work with! Today, my new guy, who is absolutely beautiful, went for his first trail ride.I now have two wonderful, smart and lovely horses in my barn. I would not hesitate to recommend Bev and MAHR to anyone looking to find an amazing thoroughbred friend.
Mid-Atlantic Horse Rescue (they are in Maryland) is one of the best! They rescue OTTB’s from the New Holland,PA auction, frequented by killer buyers. Great hearwarming story!
Nancy and I have much in common, as I also adopted my OTTB Intrinsic Danielle in July at 49, and he (yes, he is a he, I have renamed him Dante) is a big dark bay puppy dog who raced until he was 8. I had planned to give myself a horse for my 50th birthday in March, but after meeting Dante at a local rescue, I couldn’t wait. Dante has educated many people at my stable about OTTBs, like Atticus, he is a great ambassador for the breed. Congrats, Nancy! I hope you have a long and happy life together.
Congratulations Susan. This does my heart good. May the two of you enjoy the comfort of one another 🙂
[…] ASPCA executive Nancy Perry got an OTTB for Christmas this year. After growing up as a horse crazy kid, Nancy had a Thoroughbred whom she owned and competed until he died at age 26, but hasn’t owned one since. So this Christmas, she sought the assistance of Bev Strauss of MidAtlantic Horse Rescue in locating a Thoroughbred for her, and on Dec. 17th, Perry adopted Atticus, who was retired after his trainer found him to be sore. “This trainer stopped him before he got hurt, which is great,” Perry says, noting, “I wish more trainers would do this.” [ASPCA Exec Gets OTTB for Christmas] […]
[…] ASPCA executive Nancy Perry got an OTTB for Christmas this year. After growing up as a horse crazy kid, Nancy had a Thoroughbred whom she owned and competed until he died at age 26, but hasn’t owned one since. So this Christmas, she sought the assistance of Bev Strauss of MidAtlantic Horse Rescue in locating a Thoroughbred for her, and on Dec. 17th, Perry adopted Atticus, who was retired after his trainer found him to be sore. “This trainer stopped him before he got hurt, which is great,” Perry says, noting, “I wish more trainers would do this.” [ASPCA Exec Gets OTTB for Christmas] […]
What a great story to reach on Christmas morning – LOVE IT! Remember your 1st time? This is heartwarming, just like this story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUaB2uxgSQE
Another OTTB in a great home. Love the big puppy dog geldings. Congratulations!
I have a feeling Nancy and Atticus have many, many happy years ahead of them. He is a lucky boy, to have a trainer who loved him enough to retire him sound and to find a new home just in time for Christmas. Having another spot open for another horse is icing on the Christmas cake 🙂
Another true and inspiring story. Thank you Susan and OTTB. And thank yous always to the people who live these stories, giving ex-racehorses and others, a good and purposeful life.
Thanks for reading the blog today on Christmas, and taking the time to write a nice comment. 🙂 Sue
Fabulous story! Wishing them a wonderful Christmas!! Hope to see them in the show ring at our upcoming TASS shows in 2014!!
Fran, Isn’t it great?! I was so excited about this story after my interview yesterday that I had to get it up for today. I wasn’t sure if people would be reading blogs today or not, but their story is perfect for Christmas.
Have a wonderful day Fran, and thanks, as always, for your help and readership. Merry Christmas! – Sue
Your thoroughbred stories are an inspiration to all of us especially those out there that perhaps don’t recognize the beauty and value of OTTB’s. Your stories play a huge role in educating others. Thank YOU for all you do for the OTTB’s! You are a true ambassador for them (and us!!) 🙂